3 Common Types of Waking Dreams

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Michael Avery

The Music of the Spheres

All life is connected at the innermost level by thin golden strands of light, weaving a tapestry of divine love. It is a shimmering, musical wave of energy“the Music of the Spheres”that we can hear with our inner senses in contemplation.

The Music of the Spheres is known by other names: “Divine Love,” “Divine Spirit,” “the Holy Spirit,” “Spirit,” “the Voice of God,” even, generically, “the Universe.” 

It speaks to us in dreams, inner whisperings, and through symbols in our daily life—waking dreams. This divine consciousness provides guidance, warnings, glimpses into our future, clarity on our past, and confirmations on important matters, including relationships. 

There are three common types of waking dreams: Uncommon Events, Golden-tongued Wisdom, and Highlighted Waking Dreams. They parade themselves before us, often wearing colorful and outrageous guises, hoping that one day we’ll have the awareness to recognize their significance. 

The Significance of Waking Dreams 

When we notice something unusual, we can only know its significance by finding a connection between the outer event and our current thoughts or the present focus of our lives.

Ironically, the most common waking dreams are “Uncommon Events.”

1) Uncommon Events

Uncommon events are unusual happenings in our day-to-day life.

For example: The next time we see a shopping cart rolling unattended across a parking lot and say to ourselves, “Now that’s something you don’t see every day,” we can be sure we’re experiencing a waking dream phenomenon.

To turn this uncommon event into a practical waking dream, we simply ask ourselves a question: “Is there a connection between my thoughts at the moment and this uncommon event?” If not, we move on to the next step: “Is there a connection between this event and the present focus of my life?” 

Perhaps we’ve “lost control” of an important facet of a project, or something or someone may need more of our attention. It could be ourselves. What dynamic of our life is currently running “unattended?”

A Personal Example: Pichaya and I were shopping at Costco awhile back and noticed a new white cotton glove lying in the center of an isle. No one was around. Apparently, it had been dropped by someone working in the meat department. We both recognized it as an uncommon event, a waking dream. 

Recently, we started this blog and felt like we were heading in the right direction, but we were pretty much sailing in the dark. We interpreted the new white glove to mean that someone would be coming to “lend a helping hand.” 

Shortly thereafter, a friend of Oi’s sent us some amazing digital artwork he had created that you’ll find on many of our posts in addition to those by Claude Gruffy. Then, her adult children gave us a helping hand with the technical side of our site. The uncommon event of seeing the glove was a prophetic waking dream telling us, “Don’t worry, help is on the way.”

2) Golden-tongued Wisdom

Golden-tongued Wisdom includes songs playing on the radio, spoken words, or any audible communication in general.

For example: We are thinking of calling a person we recently met to ask them out on a date. We turn on the radio and hear the words from a popular song by the Beatles from yesteryears called “Michelle.” Coincidentally, the girl in our thoughts is named Michelle, too. 

Is this synchronicity a confirmation from the Universe that we should indeed ask her out? Most likely. “Michelle” is an old song. Perhaps this girl is someone from our past who has now reentered our life.

A Personal Example: Years ago, when I was thinking of moving to Hawaii, I flipped on the radio in my car and heard an angelic voice ask, “Isn’t it time you discovered Hawaii?” I took this as a confirmation that my plans were ready to manifest. Within a month, I packed my bags and moved to Honolulu.

3) Highlighted Waking Dreams

Highlighted Waking Dreams include words written on billboards, flyers, license plates, fortune cookies, the Internet, as well as in books and magazines. Providing we are aware, these words will stand out as if they’ve been highlighted with a marking pen.

For example: We open a book at random and our eyes fall upon the phrase, “Love is in the air.” The present focus of our life is a trip to Cancun during summer break. Is Divine Spirit giving us a glimpse into our immediate future? That’s a great interpretation!

A Personal Example: Pichaya and I love to look for meaningful, at least to us, license plates. My favorite numbers are 777; hers are 999. When we see these numbers on license plates, we hear Spirit saying symbolically, “Things are lining up for you.” 

When I asked Divine Spirit if the categories in our blog were appropriate, considering the diversity of our readers, we noticed a truck belonging to Dennis’ 7 Dees Landscaping. The last seven digits of their phone number, printed on the back of their vehicle, read 777-7777. We interpreted this as Spirit giving us a thumbs up.

Perhaps reading this post is a confirmation from the Universe that things are lining up for you, too. Pichaya and I hope you have as much fun exploring the world of waking dreams as we do!


Please also see: 3 “Exotic” Types of Waking Dreams

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  1. Anna

    Awesome, thank you Mike and Oi! I love seeing signs on car license plates as well! And the Blue Star on trucks has been one for my mom as a gift from her inner teacher saying Hello!

    • Michael Avery

      Thank you for your comment, Anna. Pichaya and I see the blue star image often and relate it to Inner Guidance.

  2. Christine

    I have started to notice my waking dreams and look forward to seeing them more often. I am currently working on mindfulness which perhaps explains why I notice more waking dreams these days.

    • Michael Avery

      You are very aware, Christine. Mindfulness and waking dreams go hand in hand. Enjoy the ineraction with a greater part of life!

  3. Rich

    The other day I was driving & saw a great acronym for FEAR! I had to pull up close to the car in front of me to read it! My eyes are not as sharp as they once were! The smaller print was FEAR is Forgetting Everything is All Right!

    It’s All Good!

    Rich M

  4. Jim

    I like the way you showed the different types of waking dreams Mike. This helps us to be alert to the different forms they may appear in.

    • Michael Avery

      Thank you for your comment, Jim. As you know, waking dreams are always surrounding us once we are aware they exist. Fun isn’t it!

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