Guest Post by Anna Finch
Did you know there is a powerful tool you can use to help your life run more smoothly? It is listening to your inner guidance. It has taken me many years to trust this inner guidance which comes as an inner voice/knowingness for me. It sometimes gives whacky instructions that I often doubt. “Are you sure?” I question.
But, by following through on these whacky instructions, I am always amazed at the results; none more so than during the summer of 2020.
I was working as a Seasonal Assistant Park Ranger at a county Boater Park in Oregon. One of my duties once or twice a week was to drive a truck across a ferry to some other county parks to check parking tickets and to pick up trash.
One morning I received a very strong nudge to bring my edge trimmers. I had often used those to battle Blackberry thorns in the Boater Park but didn’t usually take them with me to pick up trash. I kept arguing with my inner guidance which told me to bring the trimmers that morning.
“I am not doing landscaping today,” I said inwardly. “I am just going to pick up trash.” But the voice was clear and insistent, so I threw in the edge trimmers and went on my way, eventually forgetting about them.
I picked up trash like usual and checked the parking tickets at the first park. In the second park, which had a big parking lot that led to river access, I noticed a frantic couple running in circles around their car. I asked if they were okay.
They said they had accidentally locked their car keys in the car and their baby was inside the vehicle. I tried to think what I could possibly do to help, like call Triple A, the police, my boss, etc. But nothing was coming up for me, so I decided to go walk a bit, pick up more trash, and think how I could help in this situation.
When I returned to the parking lot, I could see that a large crowd had surrounded the couple’s vehicle. People were suggesting ideas on how to unlock the car and rescue the baby.
Suddenly, my inner nudge reminded me about the edge trimmers. I grabbed them from the back of the truck and asked one of the guys, “Would this help?”
Immediately, two men grabbed them and started to pry open up the car window. Within minutes, they were able to unlock the car door! The couple was able to get to their baby, and I was in awe and a bit dumbstruck.
One of the bystanders turned to me and remarked, “You came at exactly the right time.” I was thankful for my inner guidance. By following through on the subtle nudge, I was able to help this couple and their baby.
Since that experience I have trusted my inner guidance much more. It often reminds me to check on friends and loved ones who are going through hard times. By listening to our inner guidance, we have a “friend” that can help us when we are in need as well as others. It is a powerful gift that keeps on giving!

Anna Finch is a Positive Psychology practitioner and Park Ranger who resides in Staunton, Virginia, and enjoys connecting people to nature and to themselves. She is grateful for her spiritual path of Eckankar that has helped her make sense and meaning of the trials and blessings that life offers!
Michael Avery
Thank you for sharing your inspiring story, Anna.
Thank you, Mike for your encouragement and support and I love supporting you and Oi’s beautiful blog!
What a great example on the importance of trusting inner guidance! Who would have thought edge trimmers would work to pry open a car window?
Thank you, Jim for your kind words! Yes, my thoughts exactly but those guys sure knew how to do the trick to get it open with them. I was amazed!
Ronda Parker
Great story Anna – a good reminder that even if our nudges seem unnecessary or “whacky” we do our best to follow them!
Thank you, Ronda for your support and kind words! Yes, better to follow those and it all makes sense in the end!
Duncan Wyndham
Hi Anna,
Loved your story. Trusting that inner voice is a key to happy living.
Pichaya Avery
Thank you, Anna, for sharing your wonderful story. We truly appreciate you.
Sammie Thompson
Love your story, Anna! Good message to everyone about listening to that inner guidance and following it! ❤️