Guest Post by Bob Switzer
In the course of writing my book, Every Illness Has a Spiritual Solution, I was fortunate to interview many enlightened Souls who shared their healing journeys, taking responsibility for their return to balance and harmony. Here is Caroline’s experience.
Caroline’s Emotional Liberation1
Caroline is a yoga teacher and Reiki practitioner and viewed herself as a calm, balanced and peaceful individual. However, one day a few years ago she was about to learn there is always one more step in Soul’s growth and purification; she found herself in excruciating pain with a sciatic nerve problem.
As a yoga teacher this was a major challenge. She told me, “I was in pain all the time, had difficulty moving and I finally found I had to stop teaching. For two years I lived with the pain, but I was on a search for the reason. I was doing everything I could do to deal with it.
The pain was running down my leg and I could hardly walk. I was trying yoga to stretch it out, I was icing it, I was seeing a chiropractor, even taking aspirin to sleep at night, and I was trying to figure it out from a spiritual standpoint in my meditations.
I was asking myself what was out-of-balance in my life. It was at this two-year point that I surrendered to God, and in that act of surrender I could feel the energy coming in. I went into a healing cycle after that.
Surrender Opens up New Discoveries
“I began to follow a cookie crumb trail and it led me to a book written by a medical doctor. The book said I had to talk to my sciatic nerve. The author said that in his experience with thousands of patients that eighty per cent of back pain is psychosomatic and involved emotions.
“Shortly thereafter I found myself at a friend’s dinner party and ended up talking to a fellow from India, a Jain (Jainism is one of the oldest religions in the world). After about ten minutes of chit chat, he said to me: ‘You have a lot of anger in you.’ I was floored.
“I turned to my good friend and asked her, ‘do I have anger in me?’

She said, ‘of course not. You are a wonderful person.’ Nevertheless, he said he felt a lot of anger. I denied this judgement at first, but his comment stuck with me.
“After that experience, a yoga teacher friend suggested I see a man who did emotional release work. In our session, he asked a lot of questions, particularly about people in my life. He combined his questions with kinesiology (muscle testing) and it was showing I was testing weak for several people – the men in my life. That realization sent me down the road of forgiveness – forgiving the men and then forgiving myself for not standing in my truth.
“Within two days of that session, all the pain disappeared! I suddenly could walk normally. The pain has never come back. If I feel a twinge, I talk to my back saying; ‘I’m not going to allow you to seize up on me again. I am going to deal with my emotions and not let them have an impact on my body.’
“Shortly after the healing, I was motivated to take a weekend course in New York on being more aware of my emotions. This course revealed for me that I had blocked emotions in my body; I had to learn about when I was blocking and stifling, and when an emotion was a negative one. In this pivotal weekend I learned to identify emotions and figure out a way to release them in a healthy way, giving love to myself and to my world.
Developing a Stronger Connection with Spirit
“Throughout this discovery process I felt my connection to Spirit was guiding me through a process of healing during my meditations, helping me move forward with my life, revealing to me what I needed to do to move forward pain-free. The process gave me a feeling of incredible love and I could also feel a lot of energy. When I truly surrendered that day, that’s when everything speeded up. My healing came in three weeks and for me I had experienced a miracle.

“One of my most significant moments was when a stranger said, ‘You are an angry person.’ It was such an out-of-the-blue comment; it pushed me to go in a new direction. When he said it, it was highlighted. I felt that his words were illuminated with lights – that there was a message for me.
Taking it to a Higher Level
“I was initially doing everything I could think of to help myself such as yoga, chiropractic treatments and massage, but I needed to change the focus of my search to a higher level of exploration. I attribute a lot of my success solving this healing puzzle from doing Reiki II, absent healings on myself, and in the process, I was writing down feelings and impressions which were helping me connect. When I did the absent healings, it connected me with my higher self for guidance. I was examining who I was.
“Most importantly, I had to have humility to change my self-beliefs. I thought of myself as this wonderful, kind, peaceful person but underneath all of this was anger. I needed spiritual help to see it. I had to look at myself as human and admit I had this anger; I wasn’t this divine serene being I imagined I was. I had to admit I had some negative traits – I was not as loving and peaceful as I had thought. So I needed humility to get down on my knees to ask God for help.
“There was a huge shift in me!
Spiritual Realizations Flood In
“I’ve discovered a new level of compassion for others going through a human experience in this spiritual healing process. It’s given me so much understanding for others and a huge love and respect for it. I feel such gratitude for this life where I can grow, learn, and expand.”
When I asked Caroline if she has discovered new spiritual principles operating in her life, she replied, “One I really recognized is that I have come here to be joy. I can see my purpose a lot clearer now. When I get out of harmony, out of balance, I lose consciousness of who I am and I am no longer fulfilling my purpose of being joy.

“I have also needed to learn detachment – detachment from the belief and image I had constructed of myself. I believed I was this peaceful being which was not true. I had to let go of this false image that I had created and believed to be true, accept who I truly am and to love myself. You see, my whole life was image (Caroline was an actor earlier in life). It wasn’t real. I had to be authentic, honest, and learn. I had to ask myself, ‘what am I truly feeling?
1. Contributed by Bob Switzer, excerpted from his book, Every Illness has a Spiritual Solution, Health and Healing for the Great Spiritual Awakening (2nd edition).
Images are for illustration purposes only. Any resemblance to actual persons, either living or dead, is purely coincidental.

As a long-time spiritual student of ECKANKAR, Bob Switzer believes there is a higher spiritual purpose for everything that happens in life including accidents, illness, and loss—there is something to be learned, something to be gained as Soul, our true identity. He has authored three books in his “Soul Perspective” series, available on Amazon sites worldwide.
In Every Illness Has a Spiritual Solution, From the Head to the Heart, and The Messenger of Machu Picchu, he presents, through numerous curated stories from others, a spiritual force one can access that contains the solution for every life challenge. As a Canadian, the author enjoys retired life in both Canada and Mexico playing Pickleball and cycling.
Michael Avery
Great post, Bob. Thank you. Caroline recognized the Golden-tongued wisdom from the stranger. Good for her!
Al Coffman
It’s such a powerful and inspiring thing to be invited inside of someone’s healing process, to see another way to work through that into greater freedom. Thanks for opening that door for us.
Pichaya Avery
Thank you, Bob, for your wonderful article. I can resonate with Caroline’s experience, and your books are amazing gifts to the world.