A Spotlight on Issy

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Guest Post by Nettie Clarke

Even though I have been on my spiritual path for a very long time and have witnessed a myriad of miracles, I am still amazed when life brings me gifts and answers to questions in miraculous ways.

I recently moved to the Portland area and rented a room from a woman who lives on a golf course. One day, she heard that a friend’s daughter had lost the rights to her little Pug dog, so she decided to bring it to her house and find a new home for the dog.

It had been many years since I’d had a dog and missed having one, but the thought of finding a place to rent in the future that would take pets, and paying astronomical veterinarian bills I could not afford, had made me decide against adopting.

One night, I was contemplating and thinking about this little Pug. I asked her name inwardly and heard her say, “My name is Imogene. You can call me Issy.” The name her former owner had given her was Delilah. Strangely, when I called her Issy, she lifted her head and tilted it to the side in recognition.

I was still waffling, concerned about large veterinarian bills, when it came to me that this little dog was in fine shape. To seal the deal, the Holy Spirit blessed me with one more miracle.

I awoke in the middle of the night. My room was dark, but the curtain was open. Issy was sleeping in her little furry bed on the floor. To my amazement, the full moon was shining a spotlight directly on Issy as she slept. This was the final confirmation I needed to surrender my fears and embrace this little dog.

Issy has opened my heart, helped to bring more peace into my household, and has been a wonderful friend and companion to me as I make my way into my new life.


Nettie Clarke grew up in British Columbia, Canada. She left home at the tender age of 17 and moved to Seattle, Washington, to go to beauty school. Her life has since been very colorful and marked with a lot of change.  Throughout all of the high and lows of her life, she has been very focused on her spiritual journey, trying to understand the meaning and purpose of life. She has learned through the Eckankar teachings how to recognize God’s love in the seemingly unimportant events of everyday life, and has written a number of books sharing these insights with the hopes others will be inspired to do the same. Nettie’s publications are available for purchase through Amazon’s online marketplace here.

She recently moved to the Portland, Oregon, area and is enjoying the beautiful Northwest scenery, spending time with her three parakeets, a cockatiel, and rescue Pug dog, Issy. She continues to enjoy looking for Divine Love at work in her life every day, and capturing these moments in words.

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“Great River of God:” A Poem to a Song


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  1. Gloria Lionz

    Lovely story, Nettie
    Congratulations on adopting your new best friend
    I know both of you will be enjoying one another’s company for a long while
    Much love, Gloria 😉

  2. Anna

    How sweet, to find a friend in a new chapter of your life! Animals are soul too!

  3. Michael Avery

    A dog sent from heaven! This is a great example of a “confirmation” from a waking dream. Thank you so much for sharing your heartwarming story with us.

  4. Judith Stanton

    Our pets provide us with love and so much more! I’m glad you and Issy found each other.
    Thank you for sharing this story!

  5. Sammie Thompson

    Sweet story, Nettie …. thanks for sharing. I have a feeling we may have first met a long time ago …. Glad you are enjoying Portland area life …. Blessings!

  6. Linda

    Sweetness in a pug! So glad you have a new friend, Nettie.

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