Guest Post by Anna Finch
Recently, I was grieving the loss of my beloved friend, Jen, and asked God if I could see her again in my dreams. Could I get a hug from her there? Jen gave the best hugs. She was a kind friend who helped me in a very difficult time of my life. Her passing came unexpectedly, and it was a shock for me and so many others who loved her big and loving heart.
I forgot my question to God and went on with my life, processing the darker emotions and thoughts that came afterwards.
Things were difficult, like anxiety at work, house and a lot of car repairs, and I was trying to navigate life.
One day, when I was dropping my car off at our local auto mechanic, I sat by his desk and was giving him my keys, when I was visited by a friend. Bella was his loving cat, whom I had met before. She would let me pet her a few times, and then she would go on her way.
But today was different. Bella jumped from the desk into my arms. As she looked intently into my eyes, I felt deeply loved. It was the connection I was craving. She let me pet her longer than usual, and then she did something I have never seen any cat do before. Bella stood up on her hind legs, and held my right arm between her paws like an embrace. She gave me a big and deep cat hug, holding and comforting me.
Bella looked at me again with her loving eyes and settled in to my lap for a bit more petting. She purred loudly— a loving sound giving me even more love. Then, she stood up again on her hind legs and hugged my left side.
It lasted a few moments, and I was breathless and in shock. A cat was hugging me for the second time! I almost burst into tears with the happiness and love Bella was giving me.
After the hug, she settled into my lap again and sat there for almost an hour. I couldn’t move—I didn’t want to disrupt this moment of connection and love. I felt like when I had been babysitting kids in my younger days, when I would hold them to my chest while they slept and did not want to move and wake them up. Now, I didn’t want to wake up from this moment.
I waited until Bella was ready to leave. At last, she jumped up and moved to another chair by a window to sun herself. I thanked her silently for her gift of love as I left and passed on her loving gesture to her owner.
I contemplated on this encounter for quite some time. During my contemplations one day, I realized that God had answered my question I had forgotten. My dear departed friend, Jen, loved cats so much. She received so much joy from her four cats when she was alive. Bella’s hugs to me were a gift from Jen.
Jen was hugging me in the only way she could, through a loving Soul in a cat body. I was so grateful for this gift from my friend and God. I knew Jen was still being her loving self, encouraging this cat to share her love with me. Thank you, God, Jen, and Bella for this gift that I will cherish forever!

Anna Finch is a Positive Psychology practitioner and Park Ranger who resides in Staunton, Virginia, and enjoys connecting people to nature and to themselves. She is grateful for her spiritual path of Eckankar that has helped her make sense and meaning of the trials and blessings that life offers!
Al Coffman
Thank you. I feel the love!
Thank you, Al! Those loving souls that come in so many forms and many different ways to show us that love!
Michael Avery
What a sweet cat and gift of love from beyond delivered through a willing vehicle!
Thank you, Mike! It was such a beautiful gift I will cherish forever!
Mark West
A fabulous story. I could feel the love of Bella the Cat
Thank you, Mark! I am grateful you can feel the love from her! It was such a beautiful experience!
The sound and vibrations of purring . . . a special, special moment!
Thank you, Linda! Yes, the Sound so powerful and loving too!!
Pichaya Avery
Thank you, Anna, for your beautiful story of divine love. Your question was answered in such a powerful way. The beauty is that you have the awareness to recognize the gift of love that came through Bella. The experience like this touches my heart so deeply, and it reminds me that we are truly loved.