A Lesson on Survival

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

Have you ever found your life in a period of conflict where everything seemed to be going wrong all at once? During these times, it is very important to listen and follow your Spiritual Teacher’s guidance.

I had just a few minutes for a short contemplation—just a moment to refocus before starting a busy day. I closed my eyes and thought of the affirmation I had been using: “I am a child of God. I live, breathe, move,  and have my being in the loving arms of Divine Consciousness.”

In the next instant, I found myself in a white, barren landscape. There were no trees, no grass, and no vegetation of any kind. A flat open expanse stretched out before me. There were no mountains, hills, or even rocks, only a burning white sun low on the horizon. Its scorching rays seemed to burn right through me.

I knew that without some kind of shelter or protection I wouldn’t last long in this environment. “My Spiritual Teacher, where are you?” I called. “I need you!” 

I looked around and soon could see his shimmering figure in the distance making his way toward me. As I waited, the heat from the sun seem to suffocate me.

Upon seeing my Teacher, waves of gratitude flowed through me. When he arrived, I asked “I don’t understand why I’m here. Please show me what I have to learn here and how I can survive.” 

He didn’t say a word, but just smiled with a twinkle in his eyes. I could feel my feet burning. It felt almost like butter sizzling in a hot pan.

“Please,” I begged, “how can I survive this?” 

Quietly, he replied, “If you stay in my shadow, it will be much cooler.” For the first time, I noticed that the sun, being low on the horizon, threw a long shadow from my Teacher’s form. 

Gratefully, I stood in the comforting shade of his shadow. This was certainly a different way to experience the protection of the Master, I thought. 

Momentarily, my Teacher started walking; his shadow tagged along, leaving me exposed to the scorching sun again. Now, I knew what to do. I began to follow my Teacher, walking in his shadow. 

It was very awkward at first. I was always a little out of step, and some part of me was still getting burnt. My Teacher didn’t look back. He just kept on walking. After a while, I began to catch the rhythm of walking with him. It was easy, and I was cool and relaxed.

Now, I understood the importance of having my Teacher’s presence with me, listening to him, watching, and following his every move. 

It then occurred to me. This was the answer to my problems in physical life. To survive the lessons there, I needed to apply the same technique. Listen, watch, and follow my Teacher’s every movement, moment to moment, one step at a time.


Dennis Ernst is a retired Professional Land Surveyor who now devotes his time to sharing the natural beauty he finds on his many treks through photography, blogs, and poetry. Please visit his website, Dennis Ernst Photography, for a glimpse into his fascinating world.

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  1. Mark West

    Good article, Dennis!

  2. Michael Avery

    Someone I know once said, “Stay close to the Spiritual Teacher.” Your article echoes that sentiment. Thank you.

  3. Catherine Ganci

    What a perfect example of what having the Inner Master is all about. Thank you for this great little story !

  4. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Dennis, for reminding us about the power of our Inner Teacher. I love this statement, “If you stay in my shadow, it will be much cooler.” I have experienced this to be true. Indeed.

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