A Most Wonderful and Mysterious Gift

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Jim Jackson

In late April of 2023, I received a phone call from Marlo Rees, the wife of one of my very best friends and decade-long senior doubles tennis partner. They had sold their home in Portland and moved to Santa Barbara in mid-2021. Frank Rees had suddenly passed on shortly thereafter.

Marlo told me she had been able to have contact with Frank since his transition, and was sure I would want to know. She also called to thank me for the “wonderful gift.” I had no idea what she was talking about, so I listened on.

Marlo said she had attended three of the monthly meetings of the International Near-death Association. At the most recent one, they had announced that their next meeting would feature the world famous medium, Hollister Rand, and that she would be offering individual sessions for $200. Marlo was familiar with the medium as she had come to Santa Barbara quite often.

Marlo was in a quandary about going for a session as she might be greatly disappointed and saddened even more.

Frank and Marlo had been followers of the “Seth Teachings” for decades, and she had all of the Seth books (18 or so) in her bookcase. Marlo related that her desire to go was a “so-so” 33%. She decided that, if she was meant to go, she would need an unmistakable sign to confirm this. Her sign would be “a Seth book falling into her lap.”

The next day, while going through a box containing the last week’s mail, Marlo came across a thick manilla envelope with my name and return address on it. Upon opening it, she found a very personal one-page note from me. Also in the envelope, she discovered nine pages of quotes from various Seth books. The nine pages were all written in my handwriting, she related, handwriting that she and Frank knew so well.

She said that the first page of the notes contained a description of a couple of contemplation methods I personally had used in contacting my wife, Molly, after her passing in 2008. Also included were some other ways I had heard about from friends.

Thinking that the ten pages were all stapled together, she shifted her hands only to find this was not so. Nine pages of Seth quotes, which were bound together, tumbled (fell) into her lap. The realization suddenly struck her that “a Seth book,” or a facsimile thereof, had just fallen into her lap! Marlo told me that, when this happened, she knew she had to go to the meeting with the medium.

This had prompted her to call and thank me for the “gift” of the “Seth book.” Before I could reply, Marlo began to tell me about her meeting and how wonderful it had turned out to be. There were six special events from her past with Frank that the medium, Rand, described during her session. She said, “Only Frank and I would have known these.”

At the beginning, Rand said, “There is a man coming. Wow! He is nice looking, very nice looking, really handsome.” Rand then asked, “Marlo, was Frank handsome?”

Marlo told me she thought for a few seconds then replied, “Yes, thirty-three years ago, when we were married, he was handsome.”

“Then it must be Frank,” Rand replied. Then the medium said, “He is running around, forward 15 feet, then back, then forward and sideways, over and over again. Was Frank a runner?”

Marlo thought for a minute, then answered, “No, Frank wasn’t a runner, but he was a tennis player. Those are the movements he would make playing tennis, playing doubles.”

Rand told Marlo that Frank kept pointing with his forefinger to the center of his chest. She asked Marlo if he had “I love you” or “Marlo” tattooed on his chest.

Marlo answered, “No,” and reflectively put her finger on her chest. She suddenly realized what Frank meant. On a gold chain around her neck was Frank’s wedding ring, resting over her heart. Tears began to flow.

Frank also related through the medium that Marlo would be traveling in the future and he would be at her side.

As the session was ending, Frank said to Rand about Marlo, “She was the love of my life.”

— And now for the rest of the story —

Marlo told me during our phone call that she was so very glad to have gone to the meeting with Hollister Rand where she heard from Frank. It helped her tremendously on her grief journey. She then thanked me for sending the “Seth book,” the nine pages of quotes. It turned out to be a most wonderful gift!

But I said to her, “Marlo, I must confess. I did not send those nine pages of quotes to you, only the first page about Molly.”

Marlo rebutted, “But all the quotes were written in your own personal and beautiful handwriting. Frank and I have seen it for ten years. I know your writing!”

“But, Marlo, why would I copy those quotes and send them to you? You have all of Seth’s books and sayings already.

“There is only one explanation, Marlo. The only entity or being who could have orchestrated this miracle is the Holy Spirit. Yep, I’d like to think I may have had a small part in being a vehicle for Spirit in sending you the one page, the envelope, and the single stamp I put on it. But, I swear, I never wrote or sent the nine pages nor did I add the extra stamp. That had to have been done by the Holy Spirit.

“You, Frank, and I have been blessed. We should be so very grateful. You were given this special gift by the hand of God!”

PS: Usually when I’m to send out something like “quotes,” I will write them first in my journal to keep them available for future use. I will then print them on my printer for copies if sending something out. NO QUOTES are in my journal. I did not do it!

PSS: For any remaining skeptics, let me add this. When I originally wrote of this event, I was at the Marquis Newberg Rehab Center. My journal was at my apartment in Tigard. I would have had no means—or energy—to write, print, or send out those nine pages of quotes.


Jim Jackson enjoys reading, writing, and sharing his experiences with those in his community and friends. He spent five months in the Newberg Rehab Center following surgery on his right patella (knee cap). Jim is happy to be home and is catching up with old friends.

Please note: Images are for illustration purposes only unless otherwise specified. Any resemblance to actual persons, either living or dead, is purely coincidental.

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  1. Michael Avery

    What an amazing experience and story, Jim. Thank you so much for sharing it!

  2. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Jim, for this powerful story. The Divine Spirit does sometimes shower us with ITS love in mysterious ways. Marlo, Frank, and you were so blessed to received such a beautiful gift of love.

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