A Soul Travel Experience Within a Dream

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Jim Jackson

The Dream:

I’m at a Ukrainian hospital, what’s left of it, as two rockets hit very close by just hours before. I’m here as my true self—Soul, with no physical body to encumber me. I believe I’m here as a vehicle for Divine Spirit.

I follow a doctor on the top floor as he sees each patient on his rounds. 

He stops at the makeshift cot of a seven year old girl. I, Soul, see and realize that I could not have handled his role had I been placed in that position physically. This “once beautiful” little girl has 3rd degree burns on her face and down the front of her body. She is in horrible pain, but there is nothing the doctor can do.

I then surely realized that if I, Soul, were now wearing my emotional (astral) and my physical bodies, I would be crying uncontrollably, screaming my loudest, and fully break down in this horrifying scene. However, from the position of Soul and without the lower world baggage, I see things from a different perspective. 

Most likely, both the doctor and the little girl chose to experience this situation before they were born, perhaps as a way of balancing past karma or to learn a specific spiritual lesson.

I, as Soul, a little piece or part of God, operating without the extra bodies with their judgments and negativity, have deep love, respect, and admiration for these Souls’ courageous choices, now being experienced in the physical world.

And, I guess, I must also send the same to those Souls in the opposing Army who ordered those under their command to fire the rockets. They also chose to help fulfill this “Golden Contract with Spirit.”


Jim Jackson enjoys reading, writing, and sharing his experiences with those in his community and friends. He spent five months in the Newberg Rehab Center following surgery on his right patella (knee cap). Jim is happy to be home and is catching up with old friends.

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Apollo’s Cat Tale


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  1. Thanks for sharing your dream/soul experience, Jim. It will surely inspire others to give more credence and meaning to their own dream/soul experiences. Too often, when as children we tried to share ours, we were told “It’s only a dream.” As though it meant nothing. Dreams mean something, always. There is help give, information imparted, opportunities for insights into what we might need or want to know, if we just pay attention – that’s my experience, anyway. Thanks again, Jim. <3

  2. Catherine Ganci

    What a valuable dream experience ! It seems to me … that when we have the spiritual tools & training to help us understand our inner & outer worlds, we can make the best possible out of every situation, including dreams. It’s the great Law of Economy which the Creator uses to keep the balance in all creation. Your story Jim is a perfect example, along with your insights, to shine a light on the spiritual side of any & all experiences. Thank you so much for sharing Jim ~ I’ve always loved your stories !

  3. Michael Avery

    JIm, I’m so glad you’re recording your experiences and insights in a journal. Thank you so much for sharing such great stories with our readers!

  4. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Jim, for sharing your Soul Travel Experience with us. I appreciate your wonderful insight. Your story helps me see things from a higher perspective, which allows me to understand the Law of Love on deeper levels.

  5. Thank you for writing this article. I appreciate the subject too.

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