Guest Post by Riley Carson
This morning while walking across the living room, I caught my toe on the edge of the coffee table, and fell forward. Fortunately I landed face down on the couch. I didn’t even suffer discomfort, let alone an injury. But I was quite startled. I thought to myself, “That was a lucky fall.”
About thirty minutes later, a UPS driver left a delivery at our door. We were not expecting any deliveries today. It was a large heavy box from some company named “FallTech”. Their motto is “Fall protection equipment is all we do.” But we hadn’t ordered it.
It turned out to be a mis-delivery. So I called UPS and corrected the situation, but was annoyed that I had to take time out of my planned morning to deal with someone else’s problem.
Then I mentioned to my wife that maybe my fall earlier in the morning was related to a waking dream of getting the FallTech equipment sent to our house. But then I thought, “It’s not much help if the waking dream warning comes AFTER the fall. It’s a little late to be extra careful.”
About an hour later, I went out and bought a large bag of bark mulch. It weighed about 70 pounds. When I got home, and was unloading it from my trunk, I had it in my arms when I suddenly started to lose my balance, falling backwards. I was very fortunate to regain my balance just in time, or I would have fallen straight backward, smacking my back and head onto the concrete driveway, with a 70 pound weight on top of me.

It’s highly probable the result would have been a broken hip, or back, or cracked skull, or all three.
Then I realized the “incorrect” FallTech delivery of a heavy package was not incorrect at all. It was, in fact, a planned and intentionally orchestrated mis-delivery from some benevolent source beyond my conscious awareness. And coupled with my fall onto the couch, these two incidents were a clear and concise warning that the risk of a real serious fall was near, and to be extra alert and careful.
At that moment I felt ungrateful for being annoyed by having to deal with a delivery that may well have saved me from very serious injuries.
Or, another way of viewing it: Since the serious fall almost happened, but actually didn’t, this incident was to remind me that I was being protected, and to appreciate it!
Please note: Images on our site are for illustration purposes only unless otherwise stated. Any resemblance to actual persons, either living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Michael Avery
I chuckled when I read that the mis-delivery was from a company called “FallTech”. An amazing synchronicity considering your fall onto the couch earlier and your near-fall with the bark mulch. These waking dream events are incredible and can be valuable once we decipher them. Thank you for sharing this experience!
Gloria Lionz
Great story. Little happens in the physical universe that isn’t a reflection of love coming in our direction. Yes sometimes the timing feels off, but always those insights are orchestrated for our well-being and our growth. 😊
Pichaya Avery
Thank you, Riley, for your wonderful article about how Divine Love touched your life in many amazing ways. The beauty of your story is that you have an awareness to recognize the messages, the protection, and the love. You are loved beyond measure. Indeed.