Accidents Lead Us Through Change

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Bob Switzer

I believe accidents and resulting injury are a way we are led through necessary change by Spirit in this physical world, often moving us forward spiritually, teaching us something we didn’t know about ourselves. Otherwise, we would not need the message(s) and lesson(s) contained in the “accident” experience.

Accidents can range from minor cuts and bruises to a bump on the head, to a major “train wreck.” These incidents are spiritual wake-up calls and can be seen as spiritual gifts–a call of Soul to make changes in our perceptions, how we view life and to make changes in our current life circumstances or path. I have learned that everything that is happening in our lives is a result of choices made in the past–karma.

When an accident happens, perhaps one has left the tracks in thought, word and deed and is now off course from their destiny (life’s lesson plan of learning). We may have, at the point of the accident, reversed our path, ignored previous “messages,” such as Waking Dreams or Dreams, and therefore need a reminder or even a time-out to help get back on to our true agenda as Soul.

Like illness and disease, accidents are an opportunity to discover something new about ourselves. My story is a prime example of Soul wanting to bring something to the surface. In my case, the message needed to be repeated for it to sink in.

A Spiritual Wake-up Call

Several years ago, I was playing racquetball and crashed to the floor with a loud cracking sound. I thought at first that the floor was cracked, and I was actually crawling around on the floor looking for the broken board. When I stood up my foot was limp. I couldn’t finish the game as I was not able to walk properly.

Later that day I still hadn’t recovered full use of my leg, so I checked into the hospital. Diagnosis: ruptured Achilles tendon. I was placed in a cast for ten weeks while the tendon knitted itself back together.

This was a major event as it affected my mobility at a time when my business consultancy was having challenges: I hadn’t signed a new client project for months, I was borrowing money just to survive, and my wife and company operating partner was showing up in our home office later and later each day, over-exercising, and losing too much weight in the process. Our relationship was strained and overall, my life was the pits!

There Was More to Come

Ten weeks later in the dead of winter, I was cut out of the cast and began walking carefully. The following day, I ended up in hospital – again! I had re-ruptured my tendon. I faced another cast and eight weeks of limited mobility.

When I got home, despondent, my wife said, “I guess there is never a good time to tell you this, but I’m leaving!” Suddenly a bad day turned into the worst day of my life! I didn’t see it coming–yet all the signs were there in her behaviour and how our relationship had taken a turn for the worse.

It took me another year to see how perfectly arranged this ordeal was laid out. I needed to move on (I believe legs are a metaphor for moving us forward), and so did she. I needed to see that we had learned all that we could in this lifetime together in the relationship, and it was time for changes.

Resolving Past-life Karma

There was a strong karmic pattern that needed to be resolved in this life. I was shown in contemplation several months later, a past life where the seeds of this long drawn-out experience took place. In that moment of heightened awareness, I was shown a vision of a life in which I was an Indian brave with a wife and young child. In that setting I had a very strong urge to go off on a vision quest despite the fears and objections of my wife. I never returned (I had died) and she was left alone with the young child and a life of hardship.

In this life, I cared for our young child for a time after we separated until she found a new direction, re-balancing the scales of karmic justice.

Slowing down, spending eighteen weeks in leg casts allowed me to see and accept the changes that entered all parts of my life in the months that followed.

The Winds of Change

Accident Messages

Accidents, these unexpected gifts of guidance, can drop in out-of-the-blue to alter the course of our life in small or dramatic ways. A couple I know literally met by accident when his car hit hers on a highway. They’ve been married now for over forty years. 

What I’ve come to know is that one needs to pay special attention to any event that happens more than once. Also, look for patterns and themes found inside events. Like dreams, quite often the “accident” messages we receive are symbolic and need to be interpreted in light of what is going on in our life. 

Accidents are no Accident

Before you end up in a “accidental” situation, if you meet resistance in what you are doing, or ignore the signs that Spirit is providing, this is your opportunity to re-think choices you have made or a direction you have taken. I believe accidents don’t need to happen, even if it’s a karmic situation, unless we miss the messages Spirit gives us and don’t make the necessary changes in our life. In my case I had to repeat my “accident” to finally get the message, accept the separation and move on.


As a long-time spiritual student of ECKANKAR, Bob Switzer believes there is a higher spiritual purpose for everything that happens in life including accidents, illness, and loss—there is something to be learned, something to be gained as Soul, our true identity. He has authored three books in his “Soul Perspective” series, available on Amazon sites worldwide. 

In Every Illness Has a Spiritual SolutionFrom the Head to the Heart, and The Messenger of Machu Picchu, he presents, through numerous curated stories from others, a spiritual force one can access that contains the solution for every life challenge. As a Canadian, the author enjoys retired life in both Canada and Mexico playing Pickleball and cycling.

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  1. Michael Avery

    I loved the part about your past life as a Native American, Bob. Thank you for sharing this revelation.

  2. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Bob, for sharing your wonderful story that illustrates how Divine Spirit works in our lives. I love your beautiful insights about life and spirituality. Accidents lead us to change. Indeed.

  3. Al Coffman

    I appreciate all the facets of life that you explore for understanding the underlying meaning. The messages are truly all around!

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