An Exercise in Abundance and Love

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Michael Avery

Our judgments become the rules we have agreed to live by until we change them. Changing them is the easy part; uncovering them can be difficult.

As an example, while going over some early memories of my mom, I discovered a hidden judgement. I remembered how, during hard times, she would always say, “Don’t worry, we’ll always have enough.”

I attributed our family’s emotional stability to her wise and comforting words. And, true to my mom’s belief, the Universe always brought us enough. I was thankful for that. However, it struck me one day that we never had more than enough!

I adopted this “we’ll always have enough” rule as my own when I grew older. While others flourished, I always had just enough. It’s difficult excelling at anything with a “governor” on your life set this low! Thankfully, I discovered this belief and set about hunting for more.

Another judgment I picked up in my youth was kin to the first one: “If I have my needs met, others will go without.” I viewed “going without” so others could survice or succeed as a saintly, self-effacing gesture. Conversely, it was a debilitating judgment wearing a fashionable mask.

Such judgements are the source of lack in many forms including food, material wealth, and love. The following exercise has helped me see the fallacies of lack and “going without.” It has helped me heal in many ways. 

An Exercise in Abundance

Imagine a pair of large illuminated hands suspended in a dark void. These are your hands. A stream of gold dust is pouring down from the heavens, most of it falling through the open fingers of your cupped hands.

“Notice the size of the stream of gold dust flowing beneath your palms,” urges a soft voice from the ethers. “Now, close your fingers.”

As you close your fingers, the stream beneath your cupped hands stops flowing momentarily as your hands fill up with gold. Once full, the gold overflows. 

“Now,” directs the unseen voice, “notice the size of the stream of gold dust flowing beneath your palms.”

Do you get the point? The two streams are exactly the same! By receiving from life we are in no way diminishing the supply below. We only need to remove the limiting judgements that keep us from closing our fingers.

Releasing Judgments

Bringing a judgment into your awareness is the first step and biggest challenge. Once you’ve done this, you may find any number of ways to release it. The following is but one way:

I repeat this phrase: “I take full responsibility for my life and ask Divine Spirit to balance any erroneous thoughts, first in myself, and then in the reflected world around me.”

I then repeat Dr. Hew Len’s famous Ho’oponopono saying: “I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you.” After that, I release the judgment and fill the void with a positive affirmation (please see examples below). I use the same formula for releasing fears that run parallel with judgments.

I will end this post with some examples of my own and wish you happy hunting for those pesky, hidden judgments!

1) “I release the judgment that I will always have ‘enough.’ I accept the truth that I will always have an abundance.”

2) “I release the judgment that if I have my needs met, other will go without. I accept the truth: There is plenty for everyone.”

3) “I release the judgement that I am unworthy of love. I accept the truth: I love myself fully. I give and receive love freely.

4) “I release the fear that I will be abandoned. I accept the truth: I will aways have love in my life.”

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  1. Catherine Ganci

    Thanks Mike ~ I really welcome this today ! Those pesky judgments are mostly learned at our “mother’s knee”, very young, before our cognition begins around age 5 or 6. And unfortunately, we internalize them in our emotional body.

    You helped me once to recognize one that I had most of my life. They are tricky little dictators ! At least until they are called out & wiped out of our “inner” consciousness.

    I will be using some of your exercises you so kindly shared. Thank you again !

  2. Michael

    Thank you for your kind comment, Catherine. Isn’t it great to be able to recognize the judgments that limit us so much! Lots of times I feel a tightness in my solar plexus where a fear is telling me there is a judgment I need to address.

    People have come up with creative ways of freeing themselves from fear and judgments. There are other ways out there!

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