An Unlikely Friendship

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Guest Post by Riley Carson

Stories about unlikely friendships in the animal kingdom intrigue us. This  heartwarming story was sent to me by my sister who lives in a rural area in the Northwest. The picture is a digital image I created, not an actual photo.

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A client was in yesterday and she and I were having a discussion about how relationships can form across species. She said she has a friend who lives north of town. 

A sage hen showed up at his place and started following him around every time he was outside. Then, she started pecking on the windows of his house wanting to be let in. 

When he’d leave to go to town, he’d see her chasing him down the street. So, he stopped and she hopped into his truck. After that, every time he drove anywhere, she wanted to go with him and would sit on the dashboard so she could see where they were going. 

He left town for a few days. His parents live just down the street from him and the sage hen showed up at their place and pecked on the windows to be let in. She ended up adopting them as well. 

Another client chimed in and said, “look at this.” 

She has videos on her phone of one of her golden retrievers who has an elk for a friend. The elk plays with the dog’s toys. They chase each other around the yard. And one video shows the two of them standing side by side just looking out into the world together. Their other golden is terrified of the elk. 

Quite a thing to ponder.

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Echoes of HU


What Would Love Do?


  1. Michael Avery

    A fun image and story, Riley. Please thank your sister for us!

    • Christine

      This nice story about the sage hen makes me think of how blessed we are to be loved and trusted by our pet cats and dogs, and how deeply we love them in return.

  2. Anna

    How lovely. Animals are soul too!

  3. Annie

    Ah, yes, Spirit teaches us in every way possib le when our hearts are open.

  4. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Riley, for the wonderful story of Divine love and the wonderful image of the golden retrievers and the elk. They are so adorable. Animals are so fascinating. They open our hearts in such many amazing ways.

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