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Michael Avery received a business degree from Linfield College in Oregon, where he also played shortstop on their 1971 National Championship baseball team. His post-college love of sports extended to Alpine skiing, tennis, and martial arts, earning a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do. He also studied Environmental Technology, specializing in non-chemical water treatment and source water solutions.

Michael’s love of writing began with poetry while living in Hawaii in his late twenties. He authored six children’s picture books once back in the Pacific Northwest. His first one, The Catbird’s Secret, was accepted by a large publisher in San Diego, Oak Tree Press. The project later fell through, but this brush with success inspired Michael to devote more of his time to writing.

The Secret Language of Waking Dreams, Michael’s first book on spirituality, was released in 1992 by a small Midwest publisher. This was the first definitive book on how to interpret and utilize the uncommon events, coincidences, and synchronicities that Carl Jung, the founder of Analytical Psychology, described in his work.

In 2005, Michael founded Susan Creek Books and published Touched by the Dragon’s Breath: Conversations at Colliding Rivers (2005), Porcupines at the Dance: Parables and Stories from Colliding Rivers (2008), and Wide Awake in Dreamland: A Journey Ends at Colliding Rivers (2012). These were written under the pseudonym, Michael Harrington.

After a rewarding career as a water quality specialist, Michael retired and began writing full time. In 2021, he married Pichaya, who shares his love of writing, feeding animals, and spirituality.

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