Be the One

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Guest Post by RJ McBride

As I often find, seeds of wisdom can appear whenever judgmental excursions attempt to sidetrack Soul from Its journey back home to God. Whenever this happens to me, Holy Spirit steps in to show me the higher path.

If upon each new day we are able to share just one contribution that truly comes from the heart, we find life becoming more enriched—we are able to give and receive more of God’s love. Hence, “Be the One.”


Only love can come from love.
Only love can give love. 
Become more of what love can be.

Become still—open your heart.
Sing the prayer song of love most true—

Be the One who gives unconditionally.
Be the one who gives from the heart.
Be the one who listens—the one who genuinely cares.

Be the one who gives with no thought of return.
Be the one who embraces the dream—the One                                                       who sees God’s love in each other.
Be the One who simply loves for love’s sake alone.

It only takes One—BE THE ONE.

(From SOUL to SOUL…RJ)


RJ McBride is an author, memorialist, novelist, illustrator, cartoonist, and former art instructor. His three books in The Book of Ray series may be found on Amazon:
The Book of Ray, Volumn One: The Early Years: One Man’s Journey through Time 
and The Book of Ray, Volumn Two: The Middle Years: In Pursuit of FulfillmentThe Book of Ray, Volume Three: A Walk in the Light and Sound: Last Will and Testament; A Time to Remember, A Time to Honor, A Time to Forgive, A Time to Heal

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  1. Michael Avery

    RJ, you live this principle and poem every day. Please keep being the amazing writer and the “One” that you are!

    • RJ

      Thank you Michael. The longer one walks the golden path of ECK (the path of Holy Spirit) the easier it is to become one in heart with The Divine Will and all one need do is be willing to open ones heart and soul to more of Gods love….singing the prayer song of HU is the best place I know to take that next essential step.

  2. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, RJ, for sharing your words of wisdom and beautiful poem with all of us here. I appreciate the reminder to approach each day with an open heart, ready to give and receive love. Thank you for being a wonderful example for all of us.

  3. Sammie Thompson

    I am hearing the lyrics of an old(er) song saying (singing)
    “You are the One. You are the One. You are the One.”

    Dear Brother Ray, You Are the One.

    So many others — and I am including myself – are practicing this
    as a way of living life.

    Thank you for sharing this reminder for everyone.
    Each of us is created equally as spiritual beings endowed with all the
    God-like qualities, and then given free will with how to use them (or not).

    Like a good parent, God loves us no matter what we choose. We are ALL
    family … so let us learn how to love one another and live in greater harmony.

    Love and Blessings !

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