Best Laid Plans

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Guest Post by Sammie Thompson

May 12, 2024. It’s Happy Mother’s Day!  Knowing I needed to get up extra early, the night before I set out everything Spirit “suggested” I wear for the event for easy morning access: my ECK necklace and ring, the white pant and tunic set, appropriate other garments. I also planned to wear the new white spring/summer casual shoes being saved for this occasion. The alarm set, I had a late entry into the dream state, but it would all flow well in the morning. Ah,“best laid plans!”

Spirit almost always wakes me before the morning alarm goes off. I don’t use an alarm sound; instead it is a replay of “Christmas in Hawaii Nei,” my original song which won the 1988 Hawaiian Christmas Song Contest. It’s a happy, upbeat tune, Hawaiian style, sung by The Jive Sisters, with steel guitar by renowned Jerry Byrd. So much better to my ears than an alarm sound.

I’m not really a morning person, after so many years working music nights. It’s a cheery way to start my day! First up, make the hot tea, put on the clean breaking camp clothes, make the bed, for this is where we line up the clothing and accessories to wear as the musician who will present harp/vocal music for the Mother’s Day Service.

The music outfit is ready on hangers. Necklace and ring have gone into hiding, along with the white shoes. There is no make-up, nor anything to tame the wild hair following the morning RV shower.

Breaking camp takes a little longer that usual, so departure is a bit later than hoped. I am thankful traffic is flowing easily; suddenly, it isn’t, but clears again in about ten minutes. Thank goodness time has been allowed for delays. My fuel range reads 59 miles, the station is 30 miles away, so we’re still good. 

Arriving and parking at pump 9, I phone into the store for help, and was told they are short staffed and no one was available to come out.  I explained my situation, plus the need to be in Cincinnati by 10 a.m. for Mother’s Day Service. (The service begins at 11, but the hour ahead is for set up.) Someone soon became available! This is why I love Love’s Travel Stops. They always come through for me!  Still okay for time, yay!  

The youthful male attendant  arrived as I was trying in vain to unlock the gas cap. (One of the reasons I asked for help, as this often is a big challenge for me, while manpower muscle seems to get it fairly easily). But not today. I tried to demonstrate the technique as it is shown on the cap. 

He inserts the key into the lock; it turns, but it does not disengage. I try again. He tries again. We alternated trying for about 15 minutes. Finally, though this was a new and not inexpensive locking gas cap, I retrieved my little hammer from under the driver’s seat and attacked that sorry cap. Still it did not budge. He tried hammering, to no avail. 

Now time was pressing. I only had about 2 gallons of gas left and at least 60 miles to drive. (My motorhome only gets 8.5 mpg on a good day with a tailwind!) That cap had to come of. No choice now except to break it. I hammered away until the hard plastic outer cap cracked, came loose, and fell to the ground. But it was still locked!

More hammering and inserting the claw part to get access past the plastic insert, to be able to somehow turn and pull it out. I felt a meltdown coming on. The young man took over and tried for awhile. I moved a few steps away, looked up to the sky, and and cried out  to my spiritual guide, “Really?  Really?” I inhaled a calming breath, then took back the hammer, did a few taps, got the claw in, turned it, and pulled it out! Tears of relief seeped out.  So far, this had taken about 35 minutes.

Now to get the gas in, a 3-step process with 2 cards and my phone. Even with the young man’s help, the pump was not responding, denying access, not reading the cards, not scanning the phone app. We realized the tank could not be filled because now there was not a secure cap. He took everything inside for a prepaid amount. While he did that, I called the minister of today’s service and said I was running late but would be there as soon as I could. I’m sure I sounded distraught.  

After finally getting gas in, the attendant went back inside again and brought back tape to secure the black part of the cap on. Thank goodness the ordeal was over!

I thanked him with sincere and deep gratitude. Inner guidance said I needed to give him a “HU card.” I offered, and he accepted it immediately. I joked, “Don’t judge this by me, even though I’m a chaplain, I still am Soul in human form doing my best to become more spiritual… a work in progress.” I shared the HU, as a flow of words came through just for him; he was very respondent, thanking me. We said our goodbyes and, once again, the RV and I hit the road. Sixty some miles to go, and it was already past 10 a.m. with less than an hour before the service was to begin.

This was the shortest time in which I’ve ever made a 60 mile drive in my motorhome! Don’t calculate how fast I was going, yet I was still behind a lot of other drivers. I was able to text ahead to say I’d arrive in five minutes and would need someone to carry in the harp and base while I parked and got ready. 

The team was right on cue to get the instruments inside, and come back in 5 or ten minutes to help me walk in, just after the service had begun. I was able to sit in the back of the room, assemble the Harp and base without disrupting the program, and get set up for the music while the small discussion groups were in session. There was no time to tune the harp but it was only slightly out of tune here and there. 

I was permitted to talk briefly and share some of the experience getting there. My inner sense was that this “ECK Light and Sound Service” on Mother’s Day must be a very  special and important spiritual occasion to have met with so much resistance. Another latecomer shared he’d had similar difficulty in getting there.

We all have these times of challenge when we plan so carefully and thoroughly to achieve best results, and then everything gets blown apart. As they say, “These are the times that try men’s Souls.” We seem to be left alone to fend for ourselves using our own creative abilities, and whatever help we have in our own personal spiritual toolboxes to get us through the difficulty. Even though we know we are never truly alone, it can surely feel like it. 

We can’t turn back or give up, but we can surrender to Divine Spirit to help us get through it. We become stronger, more resilient, more capable for the experience. And we learn.  

From this episode, one important thing I learned is, if I need to drive somewhere in the morning, to make sure my gas tank is full or a least has plenty of fuel to get me to my destination without having to stop on the way.  Be more  fully prepared, like a scout.

And then, at last there was music! All remnants of the morning challenges vanished as Divine Spirit flowed through the sound of the harp, the words of the song floated out in complete and utter love and joy. Others could join in the simple chorus, bringing a loving harmonious “Presence” shared by all, as if we were One Heart. How very precious these moments are!

Daily life can be full of difficulties, to be sure. It is also filled with blessings and miracles, if only we are able to recognize and appreciate the gifts of Divine Love our Creator showers upon us so abundantly. With all Its ups and downs, I am so grateful for this life. I am grateful for the blessings, challenges and experience of living a full, rich, spiritual life, with all it entails. Still “a work in progress,” making my way back home one step at a time. A daily miracle. How very blessed!

May the Blessings Be!
(c) 5/16/24. Sammie Thompson All Rights Reserved 

Please note: Images on this site are for illustration purposes only unless otherwise specified. Any resemblanceto actual people, either living or dead, is purely coincidental.


Sammie Thompson has been a singer and musician all her life, expressing love through her professional career as songwriter, entertainer, concert and recording artist.  As a certified therapeutic musician, she became a greater vehicle for Divine Love. Sammie’s uplifting harp and piano selections at myriad Eckankar events have inspired audiences throughout the US and internationally. 

Her CD titled “From the Heart of Love,” recorded with Rodney Jones, features an instrumental version of the popular song, “This Is Love.” It is also available as an MP3.

Sammie may be contacted via email here

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Heart Song


“White:” A Spiritual Exercise


  1. Michael Avery

    Ah, the trials and tribulations we go through on our journey through life with a heart for service like you, Sammie. Having to go through so much just to get to the Service made it all that much sweeter! TY

  2. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Sammie, for your wonderful story. I deeply resonate with the acknowledgment that life involves both profound challenges that can shake us to our core, as well as abundant blessings that fill our journey with meaning and beauty. Your words of wisdom inspire me to embrace the full spectrum of life with love and grace.

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