Birthday Wisdom on the 38th Year

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Anna Finch

At important turning points in my life, my inner guidance nudges me to write. Sometimes I doubt my words, but the nudges grow louder, and a theme emerges. Recently it has been about wisdom. I love to ask people what wisdom they have learned on their birthdays.

I believe we are here to learn and grow in this lifetime, and so with each new birthday, we have some valuable lessons and blessings to share with others. Through the joys and heartaches, we are learning more about love, compassion, and grace!

I would recommend listening to your inner guidance and share it with the world! I have been working towards sharing mine more these last couple years and here is a poem I recently shared on my 38th birthday!


What have I learned as I approach the 38th year?
That it’s okay to feel, and to shed a tear?
You can speak your voice with kindness and grace.
You can show your emotions all over your face.
You can try to light others up,
And remember to still fill your own cup,
Both are important to be loving to yourself and this Earth.
Find the joy in living and enjoy all of the mirth.
Understand we are learning as we unfold,
The beauty, the heartbreak, all wondrous to behold.
Find solace with your loved ones,
See the spark in all like a thousand suns.
Take it one breath, one minute, one day at a time.
Enjoy the little things, and take time to rhyme.
Much love always my family and friends,
I hope this unfolding is just beginning and never ends.
Thank you for being you,
And all that you do!

Gracefully with love,
Anna Finch

Anna Finch is a Positive Psychology practitioner and Park Ranger who resides in Staunton, Virginia, and enjoys connecting people to nature and to themselves. She is grateful for her spiritual path of Eckankar that has helped her make sense and meaning of the trials and blessings that life offers!

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  1. Michael Avery

    Valuable wisdom at any age, Anna. Thank you for sharing your thougts and feelings at this milestone in your life.

    • Anna

      Thank you, Mike! We have so much wisdom in us to share with the world, thank you for sharing yours too!

  2. Linda

    Loved the lilting dance rhythms of your joyous, uplifting poem, Anna. Thanks for sharing it with the world!

    • Anna

      Thank you, Linda for those kind words and helping me see the rhythm of my writing and all you do and are!!

  3. HI, Anna! Love your poem and positive thoughts! Thank you for sharing!

    • Anna

      Thank you, Sammie for your kind words and support!! I always enjoy reading your wisdom you have to share as well!

  4. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Anna, for following your inner guidance and sharing your beautiful poem with the world. Thank you for your love, wisdom, and grace. Thank you for being amazing you.

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