Blessings to Behold (Poem)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by RJ McBride

What I’ve found, what so many others have already found, is their own special appointment with love. 

And whether we choose, like quotes, poetry, singing HU, or use some other ways to communicate our love and gratitude for life’s many blessings we need only go within the temple of our own hearts and simply ask God to show how we can find, receive, and give more love.

Expect answers specially adapted to one’s own state of acceptance. 

The road  back home to God is not always easy, but if we stay true to our own heart, we find our appointment with love to be one of well being, joy, happiness, and peace of mind.

May your journey be all that you intend it to be…(rj)


May the Light and Sound
    Be your eternal guide.

May love be the forever path
    You walk upon.

May fulfillment be the result
    Of your endeavors.

May peace of mind be the
    Source of your contentment.

Let go of all but the essential,
    Let be all else.

May all this and more be
    Your blessings to behold.

Wisdom notes meant for me; 
    Shared this day with you.

(From the Desk of RJ–SOUL to SOUL)


RJ McBride is an author, memorialist, novelist, illustrator, cartoonist, and former art instructor. His three books in The Book of Ray series may be found on Amazon:
The Book of Ray, Volumn One: The Early Years: One Man’s Journey through Time 
and The Book of Ray, Volumn Two: The Middle Years: In Pursuit of FulfillmentThe Book of Ray, Volume Three: A Walk in the Light and Sound: Last Will and Testament; A Time to Remember, A Time to Honor, A Time to Forgive, A Time to Heal

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Our Lives are the Stuff of Miracles


  1. Catherine Ganci

    Thank you Ray ~ truly so many blessings to behold every day. Although many times I have to slow way down to capture them in all their expressions. HUUUUUUUU

  2. Michael Avery

    Yes, we need to clean out the old to make way for new blessings in our life. “Let go of all but the essential.”

  3. Anna

    Thanks Ray for the beautiful words and reminder!

  4. Sammie Thompson

    Well stated, Ray!
    Always good to read what you write! Love, love, love!

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