Guest Post by Bob Switzer
About 9 years ago, Bonnie began to feel more and more tired, like her adrenals were tapped. She told me, “When I was under stress it was more pronounced and following some US Immigration procedures that required vaccination for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella, as well as a TB test, I noticed a significant decline in my health. My body was very tired. Self-limiting beliefs contributed to my weakening condition.
Bonnie’s weakness persisted for several years, then things shifted for the worse. “About a year ago, I went through a period of high stress, studying late for several nights for an exam. At the same time, diarrhea started and got progressively worse, to the point where I was experiencing it around twelve times per day. My body was not absorbing anything and the added stress of starting a new job added to my toxic load. I lost twenty pounds in short order.”
“I started doing research on-line for the possible causes of diarrhea and discovered the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. This is a diet high in carbohydrates that I began, and it took the diarrhea down to about three times a day. Concurrently I’d been seeing my medical doctor who is also a Herbologist, and she was busy ruling out all kinds of possible causes. She had heavy metals on her list of possibilities but seemed to be looking in other areas. She recommended a colonoscopy, but the twelve-hundred-dollar ($1,200.00) cost made me pause to consider whether this was the right course of action.
“My husband and I had been doing muscle testing on my condition across a wide range of options and we came up with a positive on heavy metals, so on the next visit, my intuition was so strong that I was insistent with my doctor that I have a heavy metals test. The test results showed that I had off-the-charts poisoning for mercury and lead!
Bonnie told me, “My doctor started me on chelation therapy; however, the chelation pills gave me brain fog. I couldn’t remember what I was doing, and I’d put things where they didn’t belong. I also had nausea and even threw up, and the diarrhea flared up again. I soon discovered that tests are only an indication of conditions, not conclusive.
The chelation dosage was too much for my body and was making my predicament terrible, to the point that I was not functional—not able to work. In her notes about what helps, my medical doctor said that heavy metals collect in the bowels along with other places and that colonics were recommended as being very helpful. Well, I have been an enema pro for many years because my immune system has been less than robust, so as soon as I started doing enemas, my diarrhea settled down. The only time I got it again was after chelation therapy, when the metals had been pulled out of all the places my body had stashed it, and they collected in my bowels.
Turning the Corner
“When I started chelation, my brother-in-law an intuitive/spiritual healer, heard about my condition and offered to assist me. I accepted and he took a look at my test results. In his treatments he began pulling the metals out of my body which made me very ill from trying to process the metals to eliminate them, but this was when I began to turn the corner. During one of his treatments, he said to me, ‘Why is it that I love your body more than you do?’ His statement jarred me. In that moment I realized that I didn’t love my body!
“At the time, I was so drained that I’d abandoned my spiritual practices and physical exercise. I now realize how critical these are to good health and balance. I began to write in my journal about the issue that was surfacing about not loving my body and I came to the conclusion that I have never felt good enough. So, I began writing fantastic things regarding myself and one day a message came through: God thinks you’re good enough! I cried for five minutes when I had that realization. This was so huge for me that I made signs and put them up around the house.

“I had also started up again doing my daily spiritual practices, a visualization where I imagine white light vibrating every cell in my body and aura. As well, I had renewed my daily prayers where I ask for inner guidance and then I thank God for what I’ve received.”
When I asked Bonnie about her level of involvement in her process of recovery, she replied, “All along I felt I’d been taking responsibility for my condition because I could see it was my karmic pattern: I knew I had to be very involved in the process which had led me to muscle testing and the help I received from my husband, brother-in-law, and God.
Awakening to Self-limiting Beliefs
“When I turned the corner, it was really an awakening about self-limiting beliefs, and it was my condition that helped me come to this realization—it was all the digging and soul-searching I was doing. My realization has helped me let go of the constant stress that was emanating from these deeply hidden feelings of not being good enough. In this journey, I’ve discovered that this feeling of a lack of self-worth was really a hidden fear, so I’m now better able to clearly identify what thoughts are mine as opposed to those that are negative.
“I’m now loving my body and knowing it is doing the very best it can considering what I’ve put into it and the stresses I’ve created for it. And I’m loving it despite everything I had to go through.”
Bonnie shared another realization she has had: “Loving yourself gives you greater love for others,” she told me. “It helps you have a greater understanding and then caring for others.
“Today, I feel I’m more loving, but it’s just starting. The metals dull a lot of feeling in the brain and as I eliminate them, I am freer to have more emotional sensitivity and perception. My mantras are burning up old karma —old patterns—these days and my visualization powers and concentration are now better as I get rid of the metals in my body. I could be a completely different person at the end of this process! As I move into who I am and who I’m going to be, I know I have to be aware of the old me when it emerges, and let it go. So, I’m keeping up with my spiritual practices. I need to slow my processes down so I can let go of old thoughts, behaviors, and actions as they come up.”
Note: Bonnie has traced the source of her mercury poisoning to vaccinations and lead poisoning from living in close proximity to a major expressway and an airport for many years.

As a long-time spiritual student of ECKANKAR, Bob Switzer believes there is a higher spiritual purpose for everything that happens in life including accidents, illness, and loss—there is something to be learned, something to be gained as Soul, our true identity. He has authored three books in his “Soul Perspective” series, available on Amazon sites worldwide.
In Every Illness Has a Spiritual Solution, From the Head to the Heart, and The Messenger of Machu Picchu, he presents, through numerous curated stories from others, a spiritual force one can access that contains the solution for every life challenge. As a Canadian, the author enjoys retired life in both Canada and Mexico playing Pickleball and cycling.
Gloria Lionz
Thanks for your heartfelt & insightful story of “Bonnie’s” journey. It resonates & empowers the reader to recognize their TRUE VALUE & purpose.
So glad you ‘appeared’ in the BLOG today!
Gloria 😉
Michael Avery
Bob, thank you for sharing Bonnie’s story. The part that resonated with me was “God thinks you’re good enough!”
Pichaya Avery
Thank you, Bob, for the wonderful story. Bonnie’s journey from self-limiting beliefs to self-love is deeply moving, especially how she has transformed physical challenges into a pathway for spiritual growth. Her understanding that healing requires patience and mindfulness, especially as she acknowledges and releases old patterns, shows remarkable wisdom. I admire how she’s embracing the possibility of profound change while staying grounded in her spiritual practices to support this journey of becoming.