Category: Conscious Living Page 3 of 4

Embracing Your TrueSelf: A Journey of Spiritual Growth and Self-Discovery

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Delia Joseph

Helllloooo, Beautiful Souls seeking TrueSelf!

I found myself immersed in the stories of individuals seeking purpose and fulfillment. It was during one of these candid conversations that the concept of TrueSelf began to take shape. Inspired by the diverse journeys of my coaching clients, I recognized a common thread—the yearning to unearth their most authentic selves. As we were navigating the intricacies of their experiences, aspirations, and values, it became clear that knowing one’s TrueSelf was the key to unlocking a life of genuine contentment.

On Standby: There are Two “C Words” that Relate to Life Stuff

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Edie Weinstein

The overhead announcement calls people to their flights to their intermediate or final destinations, overlapping with the low murmur of passengers waiting to board. The television personality is sharing the morning’s news in her pleasant and well trained voice. Snapping my wintergreen gum helps to keep me calm and centered as I too await the beckoning to board.

I knew that when I scheduled my flight from Philly to Portland, via a wonderful flight attendant friend who arranged a companion pass, that all was (no pun intended) up in the air and that I would need to be flexible.

The Journey Back to Loving Ourselves

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Michael Avery

When we glance back over our shoulder at the myriad events in our lives, some stand out for their solitary strangeness, others for their magic and mystery. They tug at our coattails, begging us to take another look with older, yet more discerning eyes. 

I’d been reflecting on a conversation from several years before regarding a dog and his unusual friend, when I suddenly realized it held a valuable lesson about self-love. 

Emotional Gardening

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Guest Post by Tom Ziemann

I am awestruck by the similarities between one’s garden and emotional state. Both require cultivation and care if they are to prosper. A basic understanding of such has helped me to “right my ship” as it were. 

I am known by my close friends as “Mr. Hardcore Gardener.” I’ve been an addicted enthusiast for well over 25 years. I take distinct pleasure in having one of the greenest lawns on the block. For decades, I have shared the secrets, tips, and tonics with many people on how to rejuvenate their lawns. In some cases, I’ve helped them do the thatching, core aeration, augmentation for their particular soil, choosing correct fertilizers, advised and suggested the best lawn seed to purchase, and voila, in just a few short months, they too had lawns to be envied. 

An Exercise in Abundance and Love

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Michael Avery

Our judgments become the rules we have agreed to live by until we change them. Changing them is the easy part; uncovering them can be difficult.

As an example, while going over some early memories of my mom, I discovered a hidden judgement. I remembered how, during hard times, she would always say, “Don’t worry, we’ll always have enough.”

I attributed our family’s emotional stability to her wise and comforting words. And, true to my mom’s belief, the Universe always brought us enough. I was thankful for that. However, it struck me one day that we never had more than enough!

Nurturing Trust in Marriage: Strengthening the Foundation of a Lasting Relationship

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Ana Loiselle

Trust is the bedrock of any successful marriage. It forms the foundation for intimacy, vulnerability, and emotional connection between partners. Building and maintaining trust requires consistent effort, open communication, and mutual respect. In this article, we explore practical strategies for nurturing trust in marriage, helping couples establish a strong and resilient bond built on trust.

A Curious Prophecy Comes True

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Michael Avery

When Pichaya and I met an old friend named Riley Carson and his wife for lunch about a year ago, we were treated to a prophetic waking dream outside the restaurant. Only in retrospect were we able to interpret this message from the Universe about our future endeavors.

Maybe It’s All About “the Now”

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by David Rivinus

When my niece was 6 years old, she lived with us on a pleasant street in the suburbs of Los Angeles. One of our neighbors, Wendy, was cordial and, from time to time, we would socialize amiably. 

But, one day, she took me aside looking ashen and said, “I’ve never mentioned this before, but I have these kinds of half-dream-half-premonition experiences. I had one last night. I saw an earthquake, and your little niece was lying on the floor, unconscious, with that huge grandfather clock of yours crashed over on top of her. Please secure it somehow. And do it right away!”

Divine Spirit Helps Us When We Ask

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Michael Avery

People come up with any number of reasons for not asking for assistance: “I don’t want to bother anyone;” “I’m not worthy of help (love);” “I can do it myself,” etc. But, for the most part, people just forget to ask. 

Pichaya and I have learned that Divine Spirit, Spirit, or “the Universe,” call it what you like, won’t interfere in our lives unless we ask.

The Power of Self-Awareness: Discovering Core Values for Setting Life Goals

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Jerry Ryan

Self-awareness is often described as the cornerstone of personal development and growth. It is the ability to objectively observe and understand your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and motivations. 

Developing self-awareness (also known as mindfulness) is a journey that can lead to profound self-discovery and transformation. One of the most significant benefits of self-awareness is the ability to uncover and define your core values. Knowing your core values can serve as invaluable guidelines for setting and achieving meaningful goals in your life. 

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