Category: Guest Posts Page 10 of 11

Exploring Reincarnation – Part 2

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Riley Carson


In the second part of this topic on Exploring Reincarnation, which is the name of a book by Hans Tendam, we will continue a review of his insights, with a shift of focus to the subject of karma. The Introduction in Part 1 explains more about the author, and why his book provides many valuable insights on karma and reincarnation. His extensive research coupled with his expertise in past life therapy enables him to provide many evidence-based conclusions on these subjects. I will continue the style of Part 1 by using a question-and-answer format. 

Exploring Reincarnation – Part 1

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Guest Post by Riley Carson


This article reviews some of the fascinating research documented in the book Exploring Reincarnation by Hans Tendam. The book stands out among others of the genre in several ways. Tendam starts with the observation that, at the time he was writing (1987), there were already over 10,000 recorded instances of reincarnation experiences. He decided there was sufficient material to take an evidence-based approach to the subject. 

Using Dream Tools to Interpret Outer Events

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by David Rivinus

The home of a woman named Ann abuts a wilderness area. She is used to wildlife. But even she was startled when, one balmy afternoon, while she was enjoying a tall glass of iced tea in her garden, she looked up in time to watch a mature bald eagle land on a tree branch not ten feet away from where she was sitting.

At first she was stunned; she was rendered breathless; she couldn’t believe her eyes. But, by the time she contacted me for another perspective, she had become the opposite: unable to stop her nearly manic chatter. 

“I know it’s a sign!” she bubbled.

A Message from a Monk

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Guest Post by Nigel Bell

Since I was a teenager, I have always had a special place in my heart for Saint Francis of Assisi. This year I finally managed to make a pilgrimage to his home town of Assisi from Australia. The highlight of my trip was both unplanned and unexpected.

Of Fairy Tales, Award Shows, and Waking Dreams

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Riley Carson

Waking Dreams frequently arise from our immediate surroundings, triggered by unusual events unfolding around us. In these moments, we become aware that these occurrences may hold a message akin to those found in dreams, open to interpretation.

Yet, at times, Waking Dreams intrude directly into our thoughts, seemingly emerging out of thin air, accompanied by a compelling sense that the Universe has just dispatched a message our way. This piece revolves around one such unexpected morning message, delivered in a manner that combines significance with a touch of humor.

God Hears and Answers Our Prayers

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Mary Ann Steinke-Moore

In July 1980 my first baby, Kathy, was five months old, and I hadn’t had a paying job since she was born. And our family needed me to have one. After a job interview at the South Bend library, one of the branch managers, Carol, smiled and said as I was leaving, “We’ll be seeing you again!” But weeks passed with no word from her or anyone else.

Tangled Webs

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Riley Carson

“Oh what a tangled web we weave 
when first we practice to deceive.” 
Sir Walter Scott 

My parents were ethical people, and worked to instill this value in their children. My mother’s favorite quote was the one shown at the beginning of this post. But I learned better through trial and error than via admonitions. 

Regarding trial and error, some people seem to be born with a special talent for instant karma: the tendency to not get away with anything. I am among this elite group.

The Four Winds are Blowing

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by Riley Carson

According to, dreams about horses can symbolize perseverance, courage, strength, good health, and wealth. They can also represent stamina, vitality, mobility, power, prestige, freedom, personal drive, ambitions, and passion. 

Horses have been depicted in myths, legends, and popular culture for their sheer beauty and bond with humans. They also inspire poems like the one in this post.

Living Life Proactively

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by David Rivinus

In my metaphysical classes, I am fond of saying, “Whatever you perceive is you.” And I am hardly alone in this understanding. Deepak Chopra puts it this way: “Look out into the world, and what you will see is a mirror of yourself.”1

My favorite adage on this subject comes from the late Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, the Hawaiian psychologist who made the Polynesian spiritual teaching of Ho’oponopono popular. Regarding objective life, he simply says, “There is no ‘out there’ out there!”2 

Even if this concept sounds remotely possible, you may be asking the same question I did when I first heard it: “How does this understanding make my life better?” 

Creating the Relationship of Your Dreams

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Guest Post by Tom Ziemann

After my divorce, I did some soul-searching. I started doing research for what became my third book, Creating the Relationship of Your Dreams: How to Manifest it from Fantasy to Reality.Failing miserably on the dating scene—Online, in-person, and distant ones—made me keenly aware that I was not seeing the whole picture. (More to come on both Online and Long- Distance relationships.)               

I had inner work to complete. I was thwarting my happiness. My most important relationship, that with myself, had been severely neglected. I had not yet learned to control my inner Anger Dragon. I found the enemy, and he dwelt under my hat. 

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