Category: Guest Posts

“Do You Know God?”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

It was noon in Ashland, Oregon, and I had decided to skip lunch and go for a walk. A memorable encounter that autumn day has stayed with me since that time. 

I stopped at a traffic light on the corner of a busy intersection with a few other pedestrians. Glancing across the street, I noticed a local street person waiting to cross in my direction. He was exhibiting serious mental issues—ranting and raging at some unseen person with him.

An Unlikely Friendship

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by Riley Carson

Stories about unlikely friendships in the animal kingdom intrigue us. This  heartwarming story was sent to me by my sister who lives in a rural area in the Northwest. The picture is a digital image I created, not an actual photo.

Echoes of HU

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

Have you ever wondered what influence you have on the world around you? We sometimes forget that singing HU, the ancient love song to God, leaves a powerful impression on our environment. We’re not always around to see its effects, but one experience from many years ago brought home this realization and left a lasting impression on me. 

Journey to the Heart of Ecuador

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by RJ McBride

While temporarily lost in the depths of an Andean jungle, I was treated to a once-in-a-lifetime experience. This saga began back in Portland, Oregon, when I met Beatrice (Bee), a four foot, five inch dynamo who had arrived from her home in Quito, Ecuador, with a request.

This adventuresome spirit, well into her seventies, stood tall before a room full of people at a spiritual gathering I was attending. She declared for all to hear that she’d arrived from Ecuador and was looking for someone to accompany her back to Quito to help set up a Spiritual Center. 

The Math Lesson

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Riley Carson

Midway through college I had decided to pursue a career as a mathematician. But not without some doubts. I was drawn to math because I enjoyed it, but was unsure if I had sufficient talent to reach the Master’s or Doctor’s Degree I was aiming for. 

While mulling over my situation, my father approached me one morning just as I was about to leave for the college campus to go to a math class. “I think you might like this,” he said, as he handed me an old math book he had picked up at a library sale. “It has an unusual feature as you will see when you open it.” 

The Massage and the Monkey

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Riley Carson

Sometimes Waking Dreams and Synchronicities combine forces to deliver a powerful message. This story is about such a message and how a strange inner vision facilitated a healing.

Horses Love HU

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Robin Adams McBride

Trail Ride

On my birthday weekend in September 2001, I received an unexpected gift. A woman friend and I decided a road trip was just the answer to a difficult year. Our first stop was a small motel near Gooseberry Falls, some forty miles north of Duluth, where we spent a restful night. The next day we left early, planning to stop and explore the falls before continuing north to Grand Marais, our destination. Plans changed, however.

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