Category: Guest Posts Page 2 of 14

Little Miracles Happen

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Gloria Lionz

These tiny red enamel and crystal beads (pictured above) have been separated by time and space for at least four months. Today, while returning jewelry stored in my safe (stashed there while my home went through another phase of cleansing), one of the missing beads appeared in a different box.

This is not a case of misplacement. In my heart and mind, it is truly a return from spirit. Why do I think this?

Trust Your Heart

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by Riley Carson

The Heart (or Heart Center) can be a reliable connection to Soul within, to spiritual guidance. This song narrates some of the common challenges we face in life, such as when things go wrong no matter what we do, or dealing with self doubt, or criticism. The lyrics remind us to listen to the heart, trust the heart, believe in the heart. This song is sung in a way that can evoke deep and supportive feelings. 

Letting Go

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Nettie Clarke

Many years ago, a friend asked me if I would like to go with her to meet two little dogs that needed a home. She had originally sold them to a woman who moved and had left them with her brother who had no time for them. When I entered the home where they were staying, the entire living room was filled with a brilliant blue light. I recognized the Light as the presence of my spiritual teacher. As soon as I recognized the sign, the blue light disappeared.


Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by Gloria Lionz

This haiku arrived while making soup; they ‘whispered’ and I heard.
Every moment can be a miracle… when we’re open to what appears before & within us.

In the Company of Angels

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Karl LaRowe

Where Angels Gather

Angels really do exist. They are amongst us in our everyday lives. They appear as ordinary people except for the pools of love and kindness that swirl in their eyes when you allow yourself to meet their gaze with an open heart. Most of the time, meeting an angel is a rare and wonderful experience in our world today. This was not the case however during our last trip to Birch Bay over the Christmas holidays. We met angels everywhere.

Ambassadors of Acceptance

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Gloria Lionz

Small or large, dainty or “hefty” of stature 

They’ve enrolled in a lifetime of service

Their “job interviews” occur only on the Soul plane

Despite never receiving a promotion or a review, they exceed every expectation or way of “being” humans may devise.

An Exceptional Near Death Experience

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by Riley Carson

In this YouTube video (22 minutes long), a man named Shaman Oaks relates his extraordinary near death experience. During the experience, his spiritual guide taught him ten things to know about life. Here are eight of them listed in order of importance according to Shaman’s guide:

How Are You Living Your Life Purpose?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Gloria Lionz

Today, I read another story about researchers’ scientific efforts to cure or slow down Alzheimer’s. Many such articles catch my attention. It’s impressive how so many focus on this malady.

Loved ones rarely, if ever, have the capacity to understand their condition. It’s far too complex for anyone in their “right mind” to accept it without going through layers and layers of experiences words cannot encompass. Perhaps one day there will be ways to see then stop the brain’s ‘de-fragging.’ 

Gifts of Love

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Jim Jackson

Last time, I quoted from my journal of 2021. Since then, I’ve rebounded back 10 more years to October 5, 2011 when I met Dale, a hospice patient.

I am thankful to God and Spirit for eternal life and the opportunity to experience all manner of ways to learn truth and gain wisdom; and to one day be a true co–worker with God.

Just Ask

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

As I was awakening one morning, still in the in-between state of not really being awake or asleep, I realized that my life has been an adventure in “experiencing”. There are more than a few teachers, gurus, and scientists who think that experiencing is consciousness. That’s a pretty interesting concept in itself. Yes, my life is about my experiences in this human state of consciousness.

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