Category: Health & Healing Page 2 of 3

The Healing Sound of Music: Sammie’s Song

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

My head throbbed and my throat hurt so badly I could hardly swallow. The high fever sapped all my energy and made my world so blurred I could hardly make anything out. I was so sick that the rash that came with the fever was just a mild disturbance. Even though I wasn’t in school yet, my sister had brought home the rubella virus that was going around.

I laid on the couch in the living room, drifting in and out of sleep, wondering how long this was going to last or how long I could last. I was tired of being in this sick body and wanted to go back “Home”, the wonderful place I had come from before getting this body.

Accidents Lead Us Through Change

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Bob Switzer

I believe accidents and resulting injury are a way we are led through necessary change by Spirit in this physical world, often moving us forward spiritually, teaching us something we didn’t know about ourselves. Otherwise, we would not need the message(s) and lesson(s) contained in the “accident” experience.

A Circle of Friends

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Michael Avery

My wife, Pichaya, and I have learned that Divine Spirit, Spirit, God, or “the Universe,” call IT what you will, won’t interfere in our lives unless we ask. When faced with an important decision or a personal crisis, we can ask for guidance through dreams, contemplations, visions, or waking dreams. Most people, however, forget to ask.

It is important that we do all we can to help ourselves in addition to asking the Divine. A number of spiritual exercises are available that can help us navigate “dark nights of the Soul” or other crises. Many can be found in a book called The Spiritual Exercises of ECK, by Harold Klemp.

One additional spiritual exercise that I have found helpful in stressful situations is simple, and yet powerful. It’s called “A Circle of Friends.”

Can Inner Guidance Come Through Dreams?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Linda Wilken

Dreams. Some people contend that these are what life is made of. But there are some who say that dreams are simply the effects of a bit of indigestion, or situations from earlier in the day being worked out. Others say that we’re actually living in the dreamworld and that there is a reality beyond us greater than we know. yet others say that dreams are a bridge linking different realities.

A Return to Joy: How Sawyer Brown Helped Heal My Heart

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Michael Avery

Before Sawyer Brown became famous, the band always stopped at the Douglas County Fair near my hometown on their whirlwind tour throughout Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. When I left the fair each year after hearing them play until well after midnight, one song always stayed with me—“The Walk.” Little did I know that, many years later, the song would facilitate a healing with my father. 

The Journey Back to Loving Ourselves

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Michael Avery

When we glance back over our shoulder at the myriad events in our lives, some stand out for their solitary strangeness, others for their magic and mystery. They tug at our coattails, begging us to take another look with older, yet more discerning eyes. 

I’d been reflecting on a conversation from several years before regarding a dog and his unusual friend, when I suddenly realized it held a valuable lesson about self-love. 

An Exercise in Abundance and Love

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Michael Avery

Our judgments become the rules we have agreed to live by until we change them. Changing them is the easy part; uncovering them can be difficult.

As an example, while going over some early memories of my mom, I discovered a hidden judgement. I remembered how, during hard times, she would always say, “Don’t worry, we’ll always have enough.”

I attributed our family’s emotional stability to her wise and comforting words. And, true to my mom’s belief, the Universe always brought us enough. I was thankful for that. However, it struck me one day that we never had more than enough!

Every Illness Has a Spiritual Solution

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Guest Post by Bob Switzer

In the course of writing my book, Every Illness Has a Spiritual Solution, I was fortunate to interview many enlightened Souls who shared their healing journeys, taking responsibility for their return to balance and harmony. Here is Caroline’s experience.

Caroline’s Emotional Liberation1

3 Past-life Dreams that Helped Me Heal

Reading Time: 6 minutes

By Pichaya Avery

“Many of our dreams relate to past lives. Once we come to that realization, we can begin to access the experiences that lie hidden within our memory banks. And yes, it is possible to bring hard-won lessons from past lives into the present for a better understanding of our situation in life today.”
—Harold Klemp,
Past lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, page 73 

For as long as I can remember—dating back to 1972—I have always been fascinated by dreams. While there were several sweet dreams—talking to animals, floating in clouds, and flying through the air—there were countless nightmares as well. I was continuously chased by a man with a knife and often died in those dreams. In the middle of the night, I would wake up screaming and wondering, Who am I? and Why am I here?

3 “Exotic” Types of Waking Dreams

Reading Time: 5 minutes

By Michael Avery

In an earlier post, we covered the 3 Common Types of Waking Dreams: Uncommon Events, Golden-tongued Wisdom, and Highlighted Waking Dreams. These become easily recognizable once we’re aware of them. Awareness is the key.

Now that we’re seasoned travelers and have found waking dreams helpful companions, we may want to venture further down the tracks of Divine Communication. For those blessed with an adventuresome spirit, the glorious lands of exotic waking dreams are waiting to be discovered just beyond the near horizon. 

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