Category: HU: An Ancient Mantra

In Search of the Golden Road

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by RJ McBride

 “In Search of the Golden Road” is my term for the Journey of Soul as It works Its way through countless lifetimes of trials, tests, pitfalls and snares. Yet for all the hardships, wrong turns, and trial runs I’ve encountered throughout these past 81 years of my existence, the Sound Current of HU (the Music of Life Itself) has never been as clear, the Light of Soul never brighter or filled with Divine Love more than in this moment. 

The Pure White Heart

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

My wife and I finally managed to schedule a “get away” weekend on the Oregon coast to escape from our hectic schedules. As I drove the winding road toward the coast, memories of previous trips floated across my mind. On our last few trips to the beach, we had found dark basalt rocks with quartz crystal heart-shapes on them and had some memorable experiences. 

The ocean seemed to be a catalyst for these experiences, and I began to wonder what this trip might bring. 

Memories of Ancient Greece

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Guest Post by Duncan Wyndham with photos by Denise Roy

Those who sing HU know this is a time of miracles. This is also a time of prophecy. What the ancients experienced in places like Delphi and Epidaurus in Greece, we can experience as well today. (Delphi Athena is pictured above.) It is HU that wakens us to the potential of Soul. 

My wife, Denise, and I researched Greece ahead of our journey there so we knew the places that we wanted to visit. This was a spiritual quest as well as a vacation. Thus when we made “wrong” turns and ended up where we were planning to go but by different roads, meeting key people along the way, it was more than ok. It was the intended journey all along. 

Can Singing “HU” Protect You from Harm?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

Have you ever believed something but weren’t really sure how much you believed it? Tests are a natural part of life. They give us a chance to put our beliefs on the line and see if they really have meaning.

For a few years before my beliefs were tested, I had practiced singing a sacred mantra called HU, an ancient word for God. I often sang it in contemplation or when problems came my way. I had read accounts of the HU doing phenomenal things for others, and I believed in its power, or at least I thought I did. It’s funny how easy it is to say you believe in the HU and casually practice it, and how difficult it is to totally rely upon it for survival.

How Divine Intervention Saved My Life

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Pichaya Avery

“Don’t go to work today,” my Inner Teacher whispered in his gentle voice one morning during contemplation as I sang my love song to God—HU. The date was June 14th, 1995. It could have been my last day on earth if not for divine intervention.

Creating the Relationship of Your Dreams

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Guest Post by Tom Ziemann

After my divorce, I did some soul-searching. I started doing research for what became my third book, Creating the Relationship of Your Dreams: How to Manifest it from Fantasy to Reality.Failing miserably on the dating scene—Online, in-person, and distant ones—made me keenly aware that I was not seeing the whole picture. (More to come on both Online and Long- Distance relationships.)               

I had inner work to complete. I was thwarting my happiness. My most important relationship, that with myself, had been severely neglected. I had not yet learned to control my inner Anger Dragon. I found the enemy, and he dwelt under my hat. 

What Would Love Do?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Pichaya Avery

If you had seven days to live, what would you do? Who would you call? What would you say? How would you spend your time? With whom?” 

After contemplation one morning, I pondered these questions and discussed them with Michael. We affectionately call our early morning sessions where we share insights about life and spirituality, “Conversations with Honey.” Waking dreams and relationships are always our favorite subjects. On this day, however, “Living Life to the Fullest” happened to be our topic of the day. 

Echoes of HU

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

Have you ever wondered what influence you have on the world around you? We sometimes forget that singing HU, the ancient love song to God, leaves a powerful impression on our environment. We’re not always around to see its effects, but one experience from many years ago brought home this realization and left a lasting impression on me. 

Journey to the Heart of Ecuador

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by RJ McBride

While temporarily lost in the depths of an Andean jungle, I was treated to a once-in-a-lifetime experience. This saga began back in Portland, Oregon, when I met Beatrice (Bee), a four foot, five inch dynamo who had arrived from her home in Quito, Ecuador, with a request.

This adventuresome spirit, well into her seventies, stood tall before a room full of people at a spiritual gathering I was attending. She declared for all to hear that she’d arrived from Ecuador and was looking for someone to accompany her back to Quito to help set up a Spiritual Center. 

Horses Love HU

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Robin Adams McBride

Trail Ride

On my birthday weekend in September 2001, I received an unexpected gift. A woman friend and I decided a road trip was just the answer to a difficult year. Our first stop was a small motel near Gooseberry Falls, some forty miles north of Duluth, where we spent a restful night. The next day we left early, planning to stop and explore the falls before continuing north to Grand Marais, our destination. Plans changed, however.

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