Category: Inner Guidance Page 3 of 5

HU Saves a Climber from Sudden Death

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by RJ McBride

Driving through the Great Rocky Mountains of Colorado, I came upon a challenge that beset my fingertips to tingling. Standing before me was a massive 800-foot, free standing, solid rock wall. Because I was no stranger to the practice of free-climbing, I carefully scanned the best route for my intended climb and began my ascent, which by my calculations should, if all went well, take no more than a couple of hours. 

Expanding Our Capacity to Love

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Pichaya Avery

“Soul exists because God loves it.”
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Book 1, p. 120

Every day, my husband, Mike, and I open a book at random during our morning contemplation. We usually alternate between Spiritual Exercises for the Shariyat book One and book Two. One of the exercises suggested focusing on Divine Love, and we asked our Inner Teacher, “How can we love you more?” 

Later that cold and rainy morning, Divine Spirit sent us some unexpected visitors to show us how to expand our capacity to love. 

God’s Gifts Come Through All of Life

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Bill Higgins

The life force from God is all around us. It surrounds us in every moment and every place. We miss some of them. But from some of these gifts we gain small nudges to go left or right or do this or that. Others will be full of wonder, a treasure trove of consciousness expansion.

The following two stories highlight a few gifts I have received. Their central lesson for me is that God’s love comes from all of life, that we are connected, Soul to Soul, and that we share a relationship with Divine Spirit in many ways.

Synchronicities Confirm Our Inner Guidance

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Michael Avery

Synchronicity is where multiple, separate events share a common theme. When we become aware of synchronous events and find their connection, we often discover important confirmations about current issues in our lives. Recently, I was shown through a series of synchronous events that intermittent fasting would be helpful in healing my digestion. 

What’s on My Mind Today? Leap Year and Sadie…

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Sammie Thompson

Sometimes a simple statement or phrase in conversation can start a whole big “thang.” Working on my calendar for next month, I realize February has 29 days. That means it’s leap year. 

Also, February 29th is ‘’Sadie Hawkins Day.” I haven’t done anything really funny/silly for no reason for some time, so when a creative thought came to mind, I shared with my girls, an idea about doing something just for fun.

Spiritual Symbols and Signs

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Bob Switzer

I have had a great deal of success in working with a creative tool involving Spiritual symbols and signs. When I have had a decision to make or a major purchase, I will use a Spiritual symbol to give me the confirmation I need to move forward in harmony with Soul, my destiny, and for the good of the whole. 

“Waking Dreams at a Glance”

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Michael Avery

Being somewhat of an antique car fan, I enjoy pointing out vintage cars to anyone who will listen whenever I see one. ’66 Mustangs and green ’68 Dodge Chargers like the ones I once owned are my favorites. When I realized that I could use “seeing a particular car” as a means of communicating with Spirit, I added vintage cars to my list of waking dream symbols.

A Hole in a Flute

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by David Rivinus

“I am a hole in a flute that the Christ’s breath moves through; listen to this music!” 

That quote, from the 14th Century Persian mystic and sage, Muhammad Hafiz, is one of my all-time favorites. His poetic reference to Spirit being “the Christ’s breath,” and his admonition to open ourselves to the sound current by “listening to this music” never ceases to move me; the imagery is exquisite. 

The Healing Sound of Music: Sammie’s Song

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

My head throbbed and my throat hurt so badly I could hardly swallow. The high fever sapped all my energy and made my world so blurred I could hardly make anything out. I was so sick that the rash that came with the fever was just a mild disturbance. Even though I wasn’t in school yet, my sister had brought home the rubella virus that was going around.

I laid on the couch in the living room, drifting in and out of sleep, wondering how long this was going to last or how long I could last. I was tired of being in this sick body and wanted to go back “Home”, the wonderful place I had come from before getting this body.

Artistic Awakening

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Claude Gruffy

I worked for a TV station for 32 years as a scenic artist. Back then, there were no computers and all sets were painted by hand. Before the new technology arrived and turned the world upside down, I had the chance to paint huge murals for soap operas, TV theaters, etc., for several years. I didn’t wonder why I had such a knack for painting large murals. I told myself that this talent came from my father, because he also had a certain talent for drawing.

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