Category: Personal Growth Page 1 of 7

An Unexpected Valentine

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Sammie Thompson

The theme is still “LOVE”…. There are so many different kinds of Love. We can love—or not love—just about anything. So often in present times, we are so busy with schedules, commitments, activities, being of service to others, we tend to put everything else first and ourselves last—if at all!

Pug Humor Leads to Life Lessons

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Nettie Clarke

I live in a non-smoking apartment building. A couple of people who smoke have to go outside to have a cigarette. One day when I was leaving, I noticed a cigarette butt on the floor of the lobby. I didn’t pick it up. I went on by thinking that the smoker would pick it up. Or maybe I was being lazy, or not wanting to pick up something that could be contaminated in this age of virulent viruses. Not sure why.

Signs from the Universe: A Lesson in Love

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Pichaya Avery

The Universe has countless ways of teaching us about love, often through the most unexpected encounters. On the first day of 2025, as the world welcomed a new beginning, I received such a wonderful lesson at our favorite park, where a serene pond usually hosts a community of graceful ducks and a solitary great blue heron.

The Subversive Side of Gophers (Parable)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Michael Avery

Recently, I was recalling how my mom used to cut the ends off the bacon when my brother and I were growing up. When I asked her about this, she replied that it was the way she’d always done it. It was how her own mother had done it when she was growing up. When we discovered the reason why my grandmother always cut the ends off the bacon, my mom and I had a good laugh. I wrote a parable one day to share the lesson we learned from the experience with others.

An Exceptional Near Death Experience

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by Riley Carson

In this YouTube video (22 minutes long), a man named Shaman Oaks relates his extraordinary near death experience. During the experience, his spiritual guide taught him ten things to know about life. Here are eight of them listed in order of importance according to Shaman’s guide:

New Insights from NDE Interviews

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Riley Caron

I often get new insights on life by listening to NDE interviews. I found the following two lessons gave a valuable perspective.

Lesson One

After the lady left her body and was met by her spiritual guide, the guide had her go through hundreds of moments of her current life, but with a twist from the usual life review.

Stand Tall

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Gloria Lionz

Our true destiny is to link beyond the confines of the three-dimensional world and to do so in a grounded, mature way. The poem is a brief invitation to each reader to release the need to make sense of the outer and realize EVERYONE is needed and WELCOMED to STAND TALL as we live our true spiritual purpose.

When We Know (Song)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by Riley Carson

When we lend a helping hand
That’s how we know
That caring really matters
And it’s how we grow
Riley Carson

What Remains…

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Gloria Lionz

October 2024 was my 19th wedding anniversary. Eight anniversaries have come and gone since my spouse was able to celebrate it with me.  Alzheimer’s changed our lives. This year was the first time since he was diagnosed with the disease that I decided to mark the occasion by dining out. It felt like it was “time” to openly share our love. My sister graciously agreed to accompany me and help create some new memories.

A Glimpse of Forever (Song)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by Riley Carson

“Beyond the veil,
we’re more than we see.
Life is the journey,
death but a dream.”

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