Category: Personal Growth Page 1 of 5

Diane’s Encounter with Destiny

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Guest Post by Bob Switzer

When Diane was young, she was told her knees would deteriorate and give her problems later in life. And so, a couple of years ago when her knee stiffened and then became painful, she knew she would have to face this challenge and do something about it. It was bone on bone rubbing, and very painful. Then fear arrived.

Heart Song

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by RJ McBride

For many years I believed I was worth only what I had at the time. I was convinced that my destiny held nothing more than hard times and struggle.

“It’s all you deserve,” I would tell myself. “Don’t think about what you would like to have. Settle for things as they are and forget about it.”

I believed there would only be hardship and struggle…and that is exactly what there was. I did not understand that by limiting my imagination, I was limiting my possibilities. When I finally surrendered these self-limiting ideas, I began to see myself in a whole new light. I discovered that I was, and always had been, a spiritual being. I had not allowed myself to see my true worth.

At 61, I Am Coming to Terms with the Possibility that I Will Remain Single

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Guest Post by Edie Weinstein

When I walked down the aisle on May 2, 1987, to share the words “I do” with the man I had met seven months earlier, I anticipated that we would be spending a long lifetime together. 

We had met when I was 28 and he was 36, introduced by a mutual friend during the intermission of a lecture by spiritual leader Ram Dass. Our marriage would be what I call “paradoxical,” with its share of love and its own major dysfunctions that I shudder to think I allowed for the time we were together. 

“Just Be Love”

Reading Time: < 1 minute

By Michael Avery

Jim Davis and I go back as far as the fifth grade. The tapestries of our lives express similar patterns since we share many of the same colorful threads. In high school, we played basketball together. Jim was a 6’4″ center who was an accomplished rebounder.

Over the years, Jim and I have shared an interest in writing, waking dreams, and spirituality. Jim excels at everything he does, so I wasn’t surprised to hear that he had been experimenting with a music program called Suno ai and was writing songs. What did surprise me, however, was the quality of the song he sent us. It was not only good, it was one of the best songs I had ever heard! With Jim’s permission we have embedded “Just Be Love” in this post below.

Embracing the Wind: Messages from Memories

Reading Time: 5 minutes

By Michael Avery

When memories of water skiing come to mind, they generally evoke feelings of fun, freedom, and ninety degree days, but not always. My fondest boating memories are from the time Eldon, a friend from the plywood mill where I worked, taught me how to slalom ski. I learned a lot about water skiing from Eldon, and a little about sacrifice. The latter proved invaluable.

Expanding Our Capacity to Love

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Pichaya Avery

“Soul exists because God loves it.”
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Book 1, p. 120

Every day, my husband, Mike, and I open a book at random during our morning contemplation. We usually alternate between Spiritual Exercises for the Shariyat book One and book Two. One of the exercises suggested focusing on Divine Love, and we asked our Inner Teacher, “How can we love you more?” 

Later that cold and rainy morning, Divine Spirit sent us some unexpected visitors to show us how to expand our capacity to love. 

“Spiritual Adventures at the Seat of Power”

Reading Time: 7 minutes

By Michael Avery

“If you tell a rose that it is a rose, then it will always be a rose. 
If you ask a rose what it is, you might be surprised to find 
that it is an entire universe.” —Gary Reynolds
(quoting “the Caretaker” in Spiritual Adventures at the seat of Power)

Originally, I planned to call this post “Divine Guidance: When Books Take Flight.” But I fell in love with the golden rose featured above and the quote from Gary Reynolds’ free ebook.  

Birthday Wisdom on the 38th Year

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Anna Finch

At important turning points in my life, my inner guidance nudges me to write. Sometimes I doubt my words, but the nudges grow louder, and a theme emerges. Recently it has been about wisdom. I love to ask people what wisdom they have learned on their birthdays.

Apollo’s Cat Tale

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Gloria Lionz

I asked Jodi, a new friend, to take Apollo to the cat sitter’s office the morning I left for an Eckankar seminar in Minnesota recently. She was nervous about the task but sincerely wanted to help. My flight left earlier than they open. And he prefers spending more time here than there anytime.

So, Jodi agreed to load Apollo into his carrier mid-morning & take him to “Tiny’s.”  Easy peasy except for one thing: She’s brand new to cats.  

A Hole in a Flute

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by David Rivinus

“I am a hole in a flute that the Christ’s breath moves through; listen to this music!” 

That quote, from the 14th Century Persian mystic and sage, Muhammad Hafiz, is one of my all-time favorites. His poetic reference to Spirit being “the Christ’s breath,” and his admonition to open ourselves to the sound current by “listening to this music” never ceases to move me; the imagery is exquisite. 

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