Category: Love & Relationships Page 5 of 6

One Flamingo Summer

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Guest Post by Al Coffman

On Easter weekend 2020 our small town was filled with tension as the government placed restrictions on the activities of daily living.  Many people had stopped going out to work, shop, or exercise.  They holed up in their homes, venturing out only for walks and a little fresh air.  People didn’t know what to do.  What was safe?  What was kind to others?  

I enjoy connecting with people in a store or on the street to share a smile, a joke, or an uplifting story, and most important, a little love.  How could I reach out to people when everyone nervously stayed at arm’s length?  One approach bubbled up spontaneously and blossomed over time.  

12 Inspirational Quotes from Kahlil Gibran

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Pichaya Avery

Gibran Khalil Gibran (January 6, 1883 – April 10, 1931) was a Lebanese-American author, philosopher, poet, and artist. A bio and list of his books may be found here.

Mike’s and my favorite book by Gibran is The Wanderer. We selected the following four-paragraph story (p. 27) as an introduction to his 12 inspirational quotes.

What is Life?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Riley Carson

“What is life? Is life the seeds of grass, drifting aimlessly, at times multiplying then dying, while at other times being swept into the vast expanse of the heavens?”

Inspired by various passages in the chapter “What is Life” in the book Dialogues with the Master by Paul Twitchell, 1983 edition.

Love Comes in Many Flavors

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

Love comes in many flavors, and you never quite know when it might show up. I was learning how to give love but receiving it was more of a challenge. A “sticky” encounter one weekend in Ashland, Oregon, left me with a deeper insight about the gift of receiving. 

Messages from Memories: “The Smile”

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Michael Avery

Pichaya often reminds me to be here now in this present moment. She is right of course. But sometimes a memory will arrive at my doorstep unexpectedly and shuttle me off to the past. At least that’s the way I used to view it.

But what if those memories have really come from my past and into my present for a purpose? Why would they do this? I asked myself. Could it be they have messages they are trying to communicate? 

Exploring Reincarnation – Part 2

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Riley Carson


In the second part of this topic on Exploring Reincarnation, which is the name of a book by Hans Tendam, we will continue a review of his insights, with a shift of focus to the subject of karma. The Introduction in Part 1 explains more about the author, and why his book provides many valuable insights on karma and reincarnation. His extensive research coupled with his expertise in past life therapy enables him to provide many evidence-based conclusions on these subjects. I will continue the style of Part 1 by using a question-and-answer format. 

Exploring Reincarnation – Part 1

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Guest Post by Riley Carson


This article reviews some of the fascinating research documented in the book Exploring Reincarnation by Hans Tendam. The book stands out among others of the genre in several ways. Tendam starts with the observation that, at the time he was writing (1987), there were already over 10,000 recorded instances of reincarnation experiences. He decided there was sufficient material to take an evidence-based approach to the subject. 

3 Past-life Dreams that Helped Me Heal

Reading Time: 6 minutes

By Pichaya Avery

“Many of our dreams relate to past lives. Once we come to that realization, we can begin to access the experiences that lie hidden within our memory banks. And yes, it is possible to bring hard-won lessons from past lives into the present for a better understanding of our situation in life today.”
—Harold Klemp,
Past lives, Dreams, and Soul Travel, page 73 

For as long as I can remember—dating back to 1972—I have always been fascinated by dreams. While there were several sweet dreams—talking to animals, floating in clouds, and flying through the air—there were countless nightmares as well. I was continuously chased by a man with a knife and often died in those dreams. In the middle of the night, I would wake up screaming and wondering, Who am I? and Why am I here?

God Hears and Answers Our Prayers

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Mary Ann Steinke-Moore

In July 1980 my first baby, Kathy, was five months old, and I hadn’t had a paying job since she was born. And our family needed me to have one. After a job interview at the South Bend library, one of the branch managers, Carol, smiled and said as I was leaving, “We’ll be seeing you again!” But weeks passed with no word from her or anyone else.

Creating the Relationship of Your Dreams

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Guest Post by Tom Ziemann

After my divorce, I did some soul-searching. I started doing research for what became my third book, Creating the Relationship of Your Dreams: How to Manifest it from Fantasy to Reality.Failing miserably on the dating scene—Online, in-person, and distant ones—made me keenly aware that I was not seeing the whole picture. (More to come on both Online and Long- Distance relationships.)               

I had inner work to complete. I was thwarting my happiness. My most important relationship, that with myself, had been severely neglected. I had not yet learned to control my inner Anger Dragon. I found the enemy, and he dwelt under my hat. 

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