Category: Love & Relationships Page 5 of 11

Every Day Miracles at Walmart

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Nettie Clarke

As I was waking up the other day, the word “Walmart,” came to me. OK, I thought. I have nothing to lose. I will go to Walmart. Another word that had come to me the previous morning was, “Volunteer.”

I got in the car and headed over to Walmart. Timing is everything when I am on a mission, and I can’t mentally figure that out, so I just go about my day with Divine expectation.

“We’ve Always Had Us” (Song)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Michael Avery

My friend, “Cowboy Randy,” was an extreme adventurer. He rode motorcycles, bulls, drove heavy equipment up and down steep mountains, and once drove his semi through the narrow, busy streets of Manhattan. He had no fear. He barely missed getting one of the prized “100 numbers” reserved for the top one hundred professional motocross riders across the U.S.

Announcing “The Golden Book of HU”: Our New Release

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Release Date: August 23, 2024

By Michael Avery and Pichaya Avery

“Your life is but a chapter in a never-ending story.
You are love itself, infinite and eternal.”
—the Voice of HU

When Pichaya and I both began having dreams about a golden book with our names on its cover, we were perplexed. We had no plans to write such a book. When it became clear that the book was to be about the ancient manta called “HU,” we wondered, What can we possibly write about HU that has not already been written?

Shortly thereafter, a surprising thing happened: new information began to flow in from an inner-plane source. Guided by our Inner Teacher, we set off for an unknown destination with only a dozen potential chapter titles to serve as mileposts. Little did we know that our journey would take us to the Temple of Param Akshar on the Soul Plane where a little-known book is located—The Golden Book of HU.

So Much Love to Give

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

The game hadn’t gone well, and there was much frustration, some strong emotions, and tempers had flared. Even though we had played together for years, the air was fraught with tension. 

Counting Blessings

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Jim Jackson

 “ Don’t live the same year 88 times and call it a life.”  —Robin Sharma

      “We accept the love we think we deserve.”  —Harold Klemp

Blessing: A divine favor, or something made holy (Webster’s 2nd Dictionary).

2019 was the ECK “Year of Blessings.” The year before, 2018, was the “Year of Giving.” One can recognize the continuity: in order to receive love, one must first give love.

“Telling-forth Dreams” and Ian’s New Life

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Bob Switzer

When I chatted recently with Ian, the anniversary of a life-changing event had just passed. The course of his life shifted dramatically on the morning of September 11, 2014.

Back to Horse Heaven: A Message from a Memory

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Michael Avery

I was hiking along Horseheaven Creek just north of Steamboat on the North Umpqua River many years ago when I had a vision. In my mind’s eye, I saw a sacred valley called Horse Heaven, where wild horses still run free. Perhaps there exists such a valley in the area, but I didn’t pursue that reality since my vision was so clear and real to me. I memorialized that vision with a poem.

When the memory of that day kept returning, I realized that I’d missed a lesson or an insight back then. Horse Heaven, and especially one pony, was a metaphor. So, I got out the verse I’d written many years ago…

Blue Himalayan

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Janice George

When I asked to learn more about unconditional love, my Spiritual Teacher sent a special messenger. As it turned out, he also taught me about communication and much, much more.

Be the One

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by RJ McBride

As I often find, seeds of wisdom can appear whenever judgmental excursions attempt to sidetrack Soul from Its journey back home to God. Whenever this happens to me, Holy Spirit steps in to show me the higher path.

If upon each new day we are able to share just one contribution that truly comes from the heart, we find life becoming more enriched—we are able to give and receive more of God’s love. Hence, “Be the One.”

Best Laid Plans

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Guest Post by Sammie Thompson

May 12, 2024. It’s Happy Mother’s Day!  Knowing I needed to get up extra early, the night before I set out everything Spirit “suggested” I wear for the event for easy morning access: my ECK necklace and ring, the white pant and tunic set, appropriate other garments. I also planned to wear the new white spring/summer casual shoes being saved for this occasion. The alarm set, I had a late entry into the dream state, but it would all flow well in the morning. Ah,“best laid plans!”

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