Category: Love & Relationships

What Would Love Do?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Pichaya Avery

If you had seven days to live, what would you do? Who would you call? What would you say? How would you spend your time? With whom?” 

After contemplation one morning, I pondered these questions and discussed them with Michael. We affectionately call our early morning sessions where we share insights about life and spirituality, “Conversations with Honey.” Waking dreams and relationships are always our favorite subjects. On this day, however, “Living Life to the Fullest” happened to be our topic of the day. 

An Unlikely Friendship

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by Riley Carson

Stories about unlikely friendships in the animal kingdom intrigue us. This  heartwarming story was sent to me by my sister who lives in a rural area in the Northwest. The picture is a digital image I created, not an actual photo.

If Not Now, When?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Pichaya Avery

Dear Friends,

“The time for life is now. The time for love is now.
The time to do it is now, not tomorrow.”
—Leo Buscaglia

One powerful way the Universe communicates with us is through inner guidance. Learning how to recognize Its messages, we can be directed toward the right path, meeting the right people, and doing the right thing. Awareness is key.

What would happen if I didn’t follow my inner guidance? I wondered. One day I learned, and the price was extremely high.

How to Become a Magnet of Love

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Pichaya Avery

Dear Wonderful Readers,

Are you yearning to love and be loved? Would you like to attract more love into your life? If your answer is “Yes,” I have some tips to share with you. 

Here are three essential keys to becoming a magnet of love.

3 Simple Ways to Open Your Heart to Love

Reading Time: 5 minutes

By Pichaya Avery

Dear Wonderful Readers,

Do you still remember the time when you first fell in love? If you were like me, you probably couldn’t eat, sleep, or even think of anything but that special person. Your heart was fully open. You felt invincible. You were on top of the world. 

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