Category: Spiritual Exercises Page 1 of 2

“White:” A Spiritual Exercise

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Linda Wilken

Some people may be familiar with the expression “God’s green earth,” such as “Why on God’s green earth….” I’d always wondered about that phrase. Why wasn’t it “God’s blue earth” or “God’s orange earth”? What if I changed the phrase “God’s green earth” to include colors other than green?

Heart Song

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by RJ McBride

For many years I believed I was worth only what I had at the time. I was convinced that my destiny held nothing more than hard times and struggle.

“It’s all you deserve,” I would tell myself. “Don’t think about what you would like to have. Settle for things as they are and forget about it.”

I believed there would only be hardship and struggle…and that is exactly what there was. I did not understand that by limiting my imagination, I was limiting my possibilities. When I finally surrendered these self-limiting ideas, I began to see myself in a whole new light. I discovered that I was, and always had been, a spiritual being. I had not allowed myself to see my true worth.

The Mining Train: A Spiritual Exercise

Reading Time: 5 minutes

By Michael Avery

I had the great pleasure and also the great misfortune of growing up at a quicksilver mine my father operated. With fifty-plus acres of hills, meadows, streams, ponds, wild strawberries, and ample wildlife, it was an idyllic place for a boy to live.

However, quicksilver, also known as mercury, is extremely toxic. The liquid metal that I often held in my hands turned out to be something other than a fun toy, as health issues later in life would prove. But this article is about a different memory from the “Bonanza Mine”—one that involves an old mining train and how it engendered a useful spiritual exercise. 

Fine Tune Your Inner Compass & A Meeting with Shams

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Guest Post by Nigel Bell

Last year, I was asked to talk about fine tuning your inner compass. I have always been taught by my Master, that Spirit is the Source of Inner guidance and if you practice spiritual techniques daily this inner guidance becomes ever clearer. In contemplation one day, I also received five keys to fine tuning our inner compass from Shams-i-Tabriz.

What Matters Most

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Bob Switzer

An acquaintance named Timothy shared with me his experience of losing his wife to cancer and his journey into spiritual healing. A turning point came when he received a message from beyond. I’ll let him tell his story in his own words:

Expanding Our Capacity to Love

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Pichaya Avery

“Soul exists because God loves it.”
The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad Book 1, p. 120

Every day, my husband, Mike, and I open a book at random during our morning contemplation. We usually alternate between Spiritual Exercises for the Shariyat book One and book Two. One of the exercises suggested focusing on Divine Love, and we asked our Inner Teacher, “How can we love you more?” 

Later that cold and rainy morning, Divine Spirit sent us some unexpected visitors to show us how to expand our capacity to love. 

Spiritual Symbols and Signs

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Bob Switzer

I have had a great deal of success in working with a creative tool involving Spiritual symbols and signs. When I have had a decision to make or a major purchase, I will use a Spiritual symbol to give me the confirmation I need to move forward in harmony with Soul, my destiny, and for the good of the whole. 

Embracing Your TrueSelf: A Journey of Spiritual Growth and Self-Discovery

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Delia Joseph

Helllloooo, Beautiful Souls seeking TrueSelf!

I found myself immersed in the stories of individuals seeking purpose and fulfillment. It was during one of these candid conversations that the concept of TrueSelf began to take shape. Inspired by the diverse journeys of my coaching clients, I recognized a common thread—the yearning to unearth their most authentic selves. As we were navigating the intricacies of their experiences, aspirations, and values, it became clear that knowing one’s TrueSelf was the key to unlocking a life of genuine contentment.

A Circle of Friends

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Michael Avery

My wife, Pichaya, and I have learned that Divine Spirit, Spirit, God, or “the Universe,” call IT what you will, won’t interfere in our lives unless we ask. When faced with an important decision or a personal crisis, we can ask for guidance through dreams, contemplations, visions, or waking dreams. Most people, however, forget to ask.

It is important that we do all we can to help ourselves in addition to asking the Divine. A number of spiritual exercises are available that can help us navigate “dark nights of the Soul” or other crises. Many can be found in a book called The Spiritual Exercises of ECK, by Harold Klemp.

One additional spiritual exercise that I have found helpful in stressful situations is simple, and yet powerful. It’s called “A Circle of Friends.”

Spiders, Sushi, and Books: My Shift from Atheist to Spiritual

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Jamie Zella

For most of my life, I identified as atheist. This past year, however, something shifted.

A few things happened that pushed me onto my spiritual journey. First, it seemed that all the new people coming into my life were spiritual. My whole life, I had been closed off to believing in any sort of higher power.

There was no such thing as God, no spiritual beings, nothing and nobody watching over me. But after meeting these new people, I was also met with curiosity. I decided to befriend it. I opened my mind and started paying more attention.

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