Category: Spiritual Exercises

A Lesson on Survival

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

Have you ever found your life in a period of conflict where everything seemed to be going wrong all at once? During these times, it is very important to listen and follow your Spiritual Teacher’s guidance.

Messages from Memories: “The Smile”

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Michael Avery

Pichaya often reminds me to be here now in this present moment. She is right of course. But sometimes a memory will arrive at my doorstep unexpectedly and shuttle me off to the past. At least that’s the way I used to view it.

But what if those memories have really come from my past and into my present for a purpose? Why would they do this? I asked myself. Could it be they have messages they are trying to communicate? 

Echoes of HU

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

Have you ever wondered what influence you have on the world around you? We sometimes forget that singing HU, the ancient love song to God, leaves a powerful impression on our environment. We’re not always around to see its effects, but one experience from many years ago brought home this realization and left a lasting impression on me. 

“It’s All Good”

Reading Time: 5 minutes

By Michael Avery

“By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; 
if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.”

Our friend, Rich, understands that every situation can be viewed in a positive light. “It’s all good,” he says.

At first, I thought he was saying “have a nice day” in a new, catchier way. Rich is cool, you know. But now, I see the phrase as something much more important: a powerful spiritual exercise for healing our past.

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