Category: Spirituality Page 5 of 15

The Other Half of the Rainbow

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Michael Avery

One of the many things I experienced while living in Hawaii when I was in my late twenties happened on the Island of Kauai. I saw the most beautiful rainbow I had ever seen. Rather than eliciting a feeling of joy, I felt an indescribable longing stir deep within my heart. I was longing for a love that I could not identify.

As I gazed up at the magnificent rainbow arching across the sky, I wondered: Where is the other half, the part that would make it complete. Shortly thereafter, I wrote the following poem.

To Sing and Dance

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Alea Kent

A few years ago I had a dream, and in this dream I was at a dance pavilion on the sandy shores of a lake. I was dancing with my Spiritual Guide. Soon we were dancing on the sand, and our dance steps uncovered golden coins. I looked at the coins and then up at my Guide, and the look on his face told me they were a gift for me from him.

A “Relentless” Inner Nudge

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

If you want to be good at anything in life, you must become a good learner. This includes learning to listen when the lessons come, learning to trust what you know and what you’ve learned, then demonstrate your learning by taking action. Enter the snowstorm and the “relentless” inner nudge…

HU Saves a Climber from Sudden Death

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by RJ McBride

Driving through the Great Rocky Mountains of Colorado, I came upon a challenge that beset my fingertips to tingling. Standing before me was a massive 800-foot, free standing, solid rock wall. Because I was no stranger to the practice of free-climbing, I carefully scanned the best route for my intended climb and began my ascent, which by my calculations should, if all went well, take no more than a couple of hours. 

Fine Tune Your Inner Compass & A Meeting with Shams

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Guest Post by Nigel Bell

Last year, I was asked to talk about fine tuning your inner compass. I have always been taught by my Master, that Spirit is the Source of Inner guidance and if you practice spiritual techniques daily this inner guidance becomes ever clearer. In contemplation one day, I also received five keys to fine tuning our inner compass from Shams-i-Tabriz.

Trees, Stars, Us

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Gloria Lionz

Seasons hold places in ones’ being; as do the markers we humans call ‘time.’ Though we’re eternal beings, as one who loves life and does all she can to serve it with tenderness and compassion, writing poetry is one of the most visceral ways my heart has learned to express those feelings.

What Matters Most

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Bob Switzer

An acquaintance named Timothy shared with me his experience of losing his wife to cancer and his journey into spiritual healing. A turning point came when he received a message from beyond. I’ll let him tell his story in his own words:

“Just Be Love”

Reading Time: < 1 minute

By Michael Avery

Jim Davis and I go back as far as the fifth grade. The tapestries of our lives express similar patterns since we share many of the same colorful threads. In high school, we played basketball together. Jim was a 6’4″ center who was an accomplished rebounder.

Over the years, Jim and I have shared an interest in writing, waking dreams, and spirituality. Jim excels at everything he does, so I wasn’t surprised to hear that he had been experimenting with a music program called Suno ai and was writing songs. What did surprise me, however, was the quality of the song he sent us. It was not only good, it was one of the best songs I had ever heard! With Jim’s permission we have embedded “Just Be Love” in this post below.

Embracing the Wind: Messages from Memories

Reading Time: 5 minutes

By Michael Avery

When memories of water skiing come to mind, they generally evoke feelings of fun, freedom, and ninety degree days, but not always. My fondest boating memories are from the time Eldon, a friend from the plywood mill where I worked, taught me how to slalom ski. I learned a lot about water skiing from Eldon, and a little about sacrifice. The latter proved invaluable.

Walking in Awareness

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

It’s early morning and just beginning to get light when I go for a memorable walk. Recent rain has turned the mesquite savanna desert into a lush green paradise. Grass, weeds and wildflower are waist high and big clumps of cane grass as tall as corn. The air and a rich earthy smell infused with the intoxicating scent of the wildflower and each breath is like candy.

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