Category: Spirituality Page 7 of 15

The Way of the Wanderer: Neko

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Guest Post by Paul Hillman

My mission:

“You must assist people using what they understand. Simple ideas for simple minds. Young things for young people, something fun, imaginative, maybe even a little silly. More complex ideas for highly intelligent people. Realistic things for people who are struggling.

“What you say must appeal to what they want or need at that exact moment. It has to offer them a solution to the problem they are experiencing. Then, people will respond and grow into a healthier, more spiritual life.”

Seeds of Love

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by RJ McBride

For forty some years I’d wandered in a half-awake, half-slumber state of consciousness all the while wondering why life had to be so hard and unjust. Over time, my collective experiences had left me a few grains of understanding. Today, I’ve accumulated enough grains of knowledge to maybe fill a small bucket. And who knows, come tomorrow, I may need a larger container.

But simply storing these grains of wisdom does little good unless sharing what has been learned by one’s endeavors. And yet, for all that such renderings invoke, there are moments when only the poetic voice speaks to what is truly in one’s heart and Soul. The poem that follows is one such example:

Spiritual Symbols and Signs

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Bob Switzer

I have had a great deal of success in working with a creative tool involving Spiritual symbols and signs. When I have had a decision to make or a major purchase, I will use a Spiritual symbol to give me the confirmation I need to move forward in harmony with Soul, my destiny, and for the good of the whole. 

Birthday Wisdom on the 38th Year

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Anna Finch

At important turning points in my life, my inner guidance nudges me to write. Sometimes I doubt my words, but the nudges grow louder, and a theme emerges. Recently it has been about wisdom. I love to ask people what wisdom they have learned on their birthdays.

“Waking Dreams at a Glance”

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Michael Avery

Being somewhat of an antique car fan, I enjoy pointing out vintage cars to anyone who will listen whenever I see one. ’66 Mustangs and green ’68 Dodge Chargers like the ones I once owned are my favorites. When I realized that I could use “seeing a particular car” as a means of communicating with Spirit, I added vintage cars to my list of waking dream symbols.

A Soul Travel Experience Within a Dream

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Jim Jackson

The Dream:

I’m at a Ukrainian hospital, what’s left of it, as two rockets hit very close by just hours before. I’m here as my true self—Soul, with no physical body to encumber me. I believe I’m here as a vehicle for Divine Spirit.

Apollo’s Cat Tale

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Gloria Lionz

I asked Jodi, a new friend, to take Apollo to the cat sitter’s office the morning I left for an Eckankar seminar in Minnesota recently. She was nervous about the task but sincerely wanted to help. My flight left earlier than they open. And he prefers spending more time here than there anytime.

So, Jodi agreed to load Apollo into his carrier mid-morning & take him to “Tiny’s.”  Easy peasy except for one thing: She’s brand new to cats.  

A Hole in a Flute

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by David Rivinus

“I am a hole in a flute that the Christ’s breath moves through; listen to this music!” 

That quote, from the 14th Century Persian mystic and sage, Muhammad Hafiz, is one of my all-time favorites. His poetic reference to Spirit being “the Christ’s breath,” and his admonition to open ourselves to the sound current by “listening to this music” never ceases to move me; the imagery is exquisite. 

Embracing Your TrueSelf: A Journey of Spiritual Growth and Self-Discovery

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Delia Joseph

Helllloooo, Beautiful Souls seeking TrueSelf!

I found myself immersed in the stories of individuals seeking purpose and fulfillment. It was during one of these candid conversations that the concept of TrueSelf began to take shape. Inspired by the diverse journeys of my coaching clients, I recognized a common thread—the yearning to unearth their most authentic selves. As we were navigating the intricacies of their experiences, aspirations, and values, it became clear that knowing one’s TrueSelf was the key to unlocking a life of genuine contentment.

The Brevity of Life

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Guest Post by Riley Carson

I wrote a poem years ago, trying to capture the way Soul seemingly appears out of nowhere, entering into this world. Then, before you know it, it’s gone again. I forgot the rest of the poem, but one stanza stuck with me through the years. Here is the symbolism often associated to moths followed by the verse:

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