Guest Post by Linda Higgins
“No matter what you do in life, if you can just love what you’re doing
and see the gift of God in little things, you’ll be happy.”
—Harold Klemp, What is Spiritual Freedom?
I am learning in this precious lifetime that every little mundane experience we have is really a profound moment in eternity that lights up with God’s Love for us when we allow ourselves to see with the eyes of Soul. We need to have a childlike curiosity and pay attention to all the little details in each moment, because things are not always as they appear to be when we first notice them.
I will share with you a few moments in my life when God’s love came to me in the form of small, golden, heart shaped “packages” to discover and unwrap so that the Light and Sound could fill my world at a greater level. Sometimes my Inner Teacher had to give me a strong nudge to be alert.