Category: Stories from the Heart Page 3 of 9

What Remains…

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Gloria Lionz

October 2024 was my 19th wedding anniversary. Eight anniversaries have come and gone since my spouse was able to celebrate it with me.  Alzheimer’s changed our lives. This year was the first time since he was diagnosed with the disease that I decided to mark the occasion by dining out. It felt like it was “time” to openly share our love. My sister graciously agreed to accompany me and help create some new memories.

The Beauty Way (Article & Song)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst
& Song by Michael Avery

Walking or hiking in nature has been my passion for many years. I learned early on that it was one of the healthiest things a person can do to improve health and well being. It doesn’t matter what your beliefs are, everyone can recognize and relate to the beauty of nature and feel uplifted by it. 

While hiking in or near the Navajo Reservation, I became aware of one of their fundamental beliefs—”the Beauty Way”. Here are some words from a tribal elder:

Seasons of Life

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

The seasons of my life were passing quickly and I found myself late in fall. Days, like leaves blown from their tree, let go and followed the wind as it gusted and swirled into the future. Gone was the healthy image I had embodied, and the robust outdoorsman I once was had become a shadow of the past.

In the present moment, I had become a well-grayed senior with an unsteady gait, rambling along. Even the cool morning air seemed different now. As I scanned the surroundings, I noticed that things were changing fast.

Dedicated to You

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by RJ McBride

The story behind this entry goes back to 1985 when I was living on Orcas Island in Washington State. I had the honor of meeting and talking with Richard Bach, author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

Our conversation centered around my desire to become a published author and his devastating experiences with literary agents. His famous book was also rejected by eighteen publishers before being accepted.

Release Yourself From Yourself

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Guest Post by Nigel Bell

The Seeker stood before a serene ocean of loving energy. Quiet wonder filled his heart as he absorbed the majesty of his surroundings. “Release yourself from yourself,” the Master whispered.

He pointed toward the vast endless ocean shimmering wildly before his eyes, like dancing atoms. “Let this nameless world of knowing be your cloak of consciousness,” he advised, as they both took in the vast Ocean of Life.  

Moments Like These (Song)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

By Michael Avery

“It is possible to live twenty-four hours a day in a state of love.
Every movement, every glance, every thought, and every word
can be infused with love.” Thich Nhat Hanh

This song was inspired by the Thich Nhat Hanh quote above and by Pichaya, who often reminds me that the present moment is all we have. She also subscribes to the philosophy of living fully each moment with love and appreciation.

“Moments Like These” is her favorite song of mine to date. I’ve dedicated it to her. Please enjoy.

Every Day Miracles at Walmart

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Nettie Clarke

As I was waking up the other day, the word “Walmart,” came to me. OK, I thought. I have nothing to lose. I will go to Walmart. Another word that had come to me the previous morning was, “Volunteer.”

I got in the car and headed over to Walmart. Timing is everything when I am on a mission, and I can’t mentally figure that out, so I just go about my day with Divine expectation.

“We’ve Always Had Us” (Song)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Michael Avery

My friend, “Cowboy Randy,” was an extreme adventurer. He rode motorcycles, bulls, drove heavy equipment up and down steep mountains, and once drove his semi through the narrow, busy streets of Manhattan. He had no fear. He barely missed getting one of the prized “100 numbers” reserved for the top one hundred professional motocross riders across the U.S.

Descent into Darkness

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Guest Post by RJ McBride

It was 1:00 pm when I left camp accompanied by light winds and a
temperature of 75 degrees under crystal clear skies. If all goes to
plan, I’ll be sitting on the summit of Colorado’s 13,500 foot Mt.
Shimby in time to watch the sun disappear beneath the horizon, back in
camp by 3 or 4 am. 

Announcing “The Golden Book of HU”: Our New Release

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Release Date: August 23, 2024

By Michael Avery and Pichaya Avery

“Your life is but a chapter in a never-ending story.
You are love itself, infinite and eternal.”
—the Voice of HU

When Pichaya and I both began having dreams about a golden book with our names on its cover, we were perplexed. We had no plans to write such a book. When it became clear that the book was to be about the ancient manta called “HU,” we wondered, What can we possibly write about HU that has not already been written?

Shortly thereafter, a surprising thing happened: new information began to flow in from an inner-plane source. Guided by our Inner Teacher, we set off for an unknown destination with only a dozen potential chapter titles to serve as mileposts. Little did we know that our journey would take us to the Temple of Param Akshar on the Soul Plane where a little-known book is located—The Golden Book of HU.

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