Category: Waking Dreams Page 1 of 3

When Totems Become Waking Dreams

Reading Time: 5 minutes

By Michael Avery

Foxes (featured above) are known for their cleverness, ability to outsmart predators, and resourcefulness. The fox totem thus symbolizes mental prowess, quick-thinking, and the ability to find creative solutions to problems.

Totems serve as spiritual emblems with symbolic meanings and significance for individuals, families, and clans. Depending on the source, several meanings can be attributed to each totem. They are also part of the “waking dream family” for those who recognize that a connection exists between outer events and our inner states of consciousness.

A Timely “Mis-Delivery”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Riley Carson

This morning while walking across the living room, I caught my toe on the edge of the coffee table, and fell forward. Fortunately I landed face down on the couch. I didn’t even suffer discomfort, let alone an injury. But I was quite startled. I thought to myself, “That was a lucky fall.” 

About thirty minutes later, a UPS driver left a delivery at our door. We were not expecting any deliveries today. It was a large heavy box from some company named “FallTech”. Their motto is “Fall protection equipment is all we do.” But we hadn’t ordered it.

What Matters Most

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Bob Switzer

An acquaintance named Timothy shared with me his experience of losing his wife to cancer and his journey into spiritual healing. A turning point came when he received a message from beyond. I’ll let him tell his story in his own words:

“Spiritual Adventures at the Seat of Power”

Reading Time: 7 minutes

By Michael Avery

“If you tell a rose that it is a rose, then it will always be a rose. 
If you ask a rose what it is, you might be surprised to find 
that it is an entire universe.” —Gary Reynolds
(quoting “the Caretaker” in Spiritual Adventures at the seat of Power)

Originally, I planned to call this post “Divine Guidance: When Books Take Flight.” But I fell in love with the golden rose featured above and the quote from Gary Reynolds’ free ebook.  

Synchronicities Confirm Our Inner Guidance

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Michael Avery

Synchronicity is where multiple, separate events share a common theme. When we become aware of synchronous events and find their connection, we often discover important confirmations about current issues in our lives. Recently, I was shown through a series of synchronous events that intermittent fasting would be helpful in healing my digestion. 

Spiritual Symbols and Signs

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Bob Switzer

I have had a great deal of success in working with a creative tool involving Spiritual symbols and signs. When I have had a decision to make or a major purchase, I will use a Spiritual symbol to give me the confirmation I need to move forward in harmony with Soul, my destiny, and for the good of the whole. 

“Waking Dreams at a Glance”

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Michael Avery

Being somewhat of an antique car fan, I enjoy pointing out vintage cars to anyone who will listen whenever I see one. ’66 Mustangs and green ’68 Dodge Chargers like the ones I once owned are my favorites. When I realized that I could use “seeing a particular car” as a means of communicating with Spirit, I added vintage cars to my list of waking dream symbols.

A Hole in a Flute

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by David Rivinus

“I am a hole in a flute that the Christ’s breath moves through; listen to this music!” 

That quote, from the 14th Century Persian mystic and sage, Muhammad Hafiz, is one of my all-time favorites. His poetic reference to Spirit being “the Christ’s breath,” and his admonition to open ourselves to the sound current by “listening to this music” never ceases to move me; the imagery is exquisite. 

A Most Wonderful and Mysterious Gift

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Jim Jackson

In late April of 2023, I received a phone call from Marlo Rees, the wife of one of my very best friends and decade-long senior doubles tennis partner. They had sold their home in Portland and moved to Santa Barbara in mid-2021. Frank Rees had suddenly passed on shortly thereafter.

Marlo told me she had been able to have contact with Frank since his transition, and was sure I would want to know. She also called to thank me for the “wonderful gift.” I had no idea what she was talking about, so I listened on.

Spiders, Sushi, and Books: My Shift from Atheist to Spiritual

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Jamie Zella

For most of my life, I identified as atheist. This past year, however, something shifted.

A few things happened that pushed me onto my spiritual journey. First, it seemed that all the new people coming into my life were spiritual. My whole life, I had been closed off to believing in any sort of higher power.

There was no such thing as God, no spiritual beings, nothing and nobody watching over me. But after meeting these new people, I was also met with curiosity. I decided to befriend it. I opened my mind and started paying more attention.

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