Guest Post by Riley Carson
Sometimes Waking Dreams and Synchronicities combine forces to deliver a powerful message. This story is about such a message and how a strange inner vision facilitated a healing.
Guest Post by Riley Carson
Sometimes Waking Dreams and Synchronicities combine forces to deliver a powerful message. This story is about such a message and how a strange inner vision facilitated a healing.
By Michael Avery
“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”
John Lennon, from “Beautiful Boy”
The Tree Left Standing
In a wooded area not far from Colliding Rivers in Glide, Oregon, a small fir tree was growing from the surface of an old stump. Intuitively, I knew that life was communicating with me through this uncommon event in its symbolic language, the language of waking dreams. As stated before, Carl Jung, the psychologist, called these events “meaningful coincidences.” I also knew that important details about my upcoming move to Hawaii could be known by deciphering this symbolic message.
By Michael Avery
Pichaya and I extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to you. It is an honor to be of service in a way we both enjoy so much. By the way, my wife pronounces her name PEACH-a-ya. Please feel free to send us your comments, insights, and suggestions.
Topics of Interest
The purpose for writing this blog is to share with the readers insights, lessons, and experiences that have helped us. Our primary areas of interest and expertise are “waking dreams,” relationships, and spirituality. Some people recognize waking dreams and synchronicities as signs from the Universe. Carl Jung called them “meaningful coincidences” in his work.
Other topics of interest include, but are not limited to: dreams, personal growth, self-love, conscious living, spiritual exercises, Divine Love, health & healing, Inner Guidance, animals, parables, poetry, and Stories from the Heart. We are also open to topics you may find interesting or useful.
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