Discovering “the Path:” Interpreting a Dream

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Jim Jackson

In a dream, we are on a family vacation in Hawaii. Early each morning, I walk to the store to get food and other supplies for the day. The first day we arrive, I learn a route to the store and follow it each morning.

On the very last day of our vacation, as I step outside our unit, I notice a little path I hadn’t noticed before right out front. The path appears to lead through some thorny bushes, too hard to get through.

I try the path. It is short—only about 50 feet. But then it connects with a very large street. The store is located on this street, and just a block away!

I realize this path has been there all along, but because it was sort of hidden and looked a little different than a normal path—maybe even “threatening.” I hadn’t checked it out until the last day of our vacation when it was almost too late.

This path led straight to the store and eliminated the extra time and mile I’d spent trudging around a large, empty warehouse complex on the first route all those precious days.


“It’s not what you look at, it’s what you see.” —Henry David Thoreau

This dream seems the way most Souls find the path of Light and Sound that leads back home to Source. It is “out there” if we can only “SEE” it. It clearly is the shortest path to God, eliminating the long walks, lifetime after lifetime, going in circles on the “Wheel of 84.”

Some of us who’ve been in Eckankar for 50 years or so, sometimes wish we could have found the path earlier (decades). But it wasn’t available for the public in written form yet. And I now know I wasn’t ready for it earlier.

But today there are many ready to SEE the path. In closing, a quote comes to mind:

“There are two ways of spreading Light—to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” —Edith Wharton


Jim Jackson enjoys reading, writing, and sharing his experiences with those in his community and friends. He spent five months in the Newberg Rehab Center following surgery on his right patella (knee cap). Jim is happy to be home and is catching up with old friends.

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The Day I Forgot to Breathe In God’s Love


Given to Love


  1. Michael Avery

    Excellent interpretation, Jim. As many discover, because a path is short doesn’t insure that it will be easy. But it’s easier to traverse with a little more knowledge under our belt as we get older.

  2. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Jim, for sharing your dream and interpretation. Your wonderful post offers a blend of spiritual wisdom, personal experience, and inspirational quotes that provide valuable insights and encouragement to spiritual seekers at various stages of their journey.

    Your dream interpretation resonates with me which emphasizes the need for inner awakening or enlightenment to perceive higher truth.

  3. Sammie Thompson

    So true, Jim! What we see is what we get, Truth is to be discovered …. thanks!

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