“Do You Know God?”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

It was noon in Ashland, Oregon, and I had decided to skip lunch and go for a walk. A memorable encounter that autumn day has stayed with me since that time. 

I stopped at a traffic light on the corner of a busy intersection with a few other pedestrians. Glancing across the street, I noticed a local street person waiting to cross in my direction. He was exhibiting serious mental issues—ranting and raging at some unseen person with him.

The light changed, and the others waiting with me dashed off ahead. I took my time, enjoying the walk and the crisp fresh air.

In the middle of the crossing, I met the street person who was walking toward me. When he got close, he looked me straight in the eye. Surprisingly, these weren’t the eyes of craziness, but clear, deep blue, piercing eyes. I stopped for a second as he confronted me with a question: “Do you know God?”

His question caught me cold, and I hardly knew what to make of it. He was waiting for an answer and wanting it now.

I told him that I believed in God and was trying to learn as much about Him as I could. His instant response was, “Whatever you believe is wrong. Drop it all and start over!”

The next instant, he was back to being the same raving street person as before. He staggered off, filling the air with indiscernible rants.  

I made it across the street and stood there trying to make some sense out of what had just happened. The street person’s sudden change of behavior was bizarre to say the least, but the message was powerful and clear. 

It was time to drop my beliefs and begin building my own relationship with God from my own experiences. 

Life always brings me what I need to know. It matters not what the experience may be; it’s the lesson that’s all important.


Dennis Ernst is a retired Professional Land Surveyor who now devotes his time to sharing the natural beauty he finds on his many treks through photography, blogs, and poetry. Please visit his website, Dennis Ernst Photography, for a glimpse into his fascinating world.

Please note: All images are for illustration purposes only unless otherwise stated.

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1 Comment

  1. Michael Avery

    A memorable experience, Dennis! Thank you for sharing.

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