Every Day Miracles at Walmart

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Nettie Clarke

As I was waking up the other day, the word “Walmart,” came to me. OK, I thought. I have nothing to lose. I will go to Walmart. Another word that had come to me the previous morning was, “Volunteer.”

I got in the car and headed over to Walmart. Timing is everything when I am on a mission, and I can’t mentally figure that out, so I just go about my day with Divine expectation.

When I arrived, as a last-minute decision, I hefted my rescue dog, Issy, into the cart and headed for the entrance. Just as I reached the door, a tall African American woman arrived at the exact moment I did. Her shirt said ‘VOLUNTEER’ right across the front in such large letters, I couldn’t miss the message.

I decided to ask her where she volunteered to see if that would be another message for me, but it turned out she volunteered at her work. That message received, I went to get some paper towels, the only thing I needed.

Timing is crucial. As I wandered up and down the aisles on my mission to find the elusive paper towels, a roll of small garbage bags sprung off the shelf like it had just been shot from a cannon, and landed at my feet. I needed some and had forgotten to get them on many previous trips to the store.

Another woman standing there with her granddaughter saw this happen. We both had stunned looks on our faces. “I guess I need to buy those,” I said, still a bit wobbly from the shock of it. “Yes,” she said with the same look of, ‘WHAT JUST HAPPENED’ on her face.

“It was a message,” I said, and picked up the long-forgotten roll of garbage bags.

This woman’s granddaughter then said, “I love your dog.”

“I do too,” I replied. I was struck by her grace, presence, and gentle pure love. I thought I would like to be like her. Things often come in threes and she was the icing on this Divine cake I had just been served.

When I arrived home, I looked online for opportunities to volunteer in my community. After signing up for a few, I went about my day. There was no answer from the internet volunteer site, but the next morning I had the message to do some volunteering in my spiritual organization, Eckankar.

It is hard to say what the other woman who was privy to the miracle got from this experience, but for me it was confirmation that Life’s everyday miracles are happening all the time. All I have to do is to take the time to sing HU, an ancient name for God, to align myself with God’s love, then act on what comes to me no matter how strange it sounds. 

Because I put my dog, Issy, in the cart, a little girl and I got to share love openly. I had confirmation that I needed to do some volunteering, and the often-forgotten garbage bags are now in my possession. Doesn’t sound very spiritual, but recognizing the miracles that happen every day, helps me to let go of worry and brings me the joy and comfort that I am loved by God, even on a paper towel run to Walmart.

PS: To round out this story, I sent this article to a friend in Eckankar and he asked me to volunteer to lead a discussion at his Light and Sound service.


Nettie Clarke grew up in British Columbia, Canada. She left home at the tender age of 17 and moved to Seattle, Washington, to go to beauty school. Her life has since been very colorful and marked with a lot of change.  Throughout all of the high and lows of her life, she has been very focused on her spiritual journey, trying to understand the meaning and purpose of life. She has learned through the Eckankar teachings how to recognize God’s love in the seemingly unimportant events of everyday life, and has written a number of books sharing these insights with the hopes others will be inspired to do the same. Nettie’s publications are available for purchase through Amazon’s online marketplace here.

She recently moved to the Portland, Oregon, area and is enjoying the beautiful Northwest scenery, spending time with her three parakeets, a cockatiel, and rescue Pug dog, Issy. She continues to enjoy looking for Divine Love at work in her life every day, and capturing these moments in words.

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“We’ve Always Had Us” (Song)


In This Place (Song)


  1. Gloria Lionz

    Wonderful story, Nettie. Had no idea you were a published author. I’d love to hear more about that journey…
    Gloria 😉

  2. Michael Avery

    Nettie, you’re very aware. I appreciate how you follow your inner guidance and act on it with confidence.

    Such a heartwarming story! TY

  3. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Nettie, for this uplifting reminder to stay open to the everyday miracles all around us. Your conclusion about letting go of worry and feeling God’s love even during a simple shopping trip is particularly powerful. It’s a testament to how cultivating spiritual awareness can transform our perspective on life’s ordinary moments.

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