God Hears and Answers Our Prayers

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Mary Ann Steinke-Moore

In July 1980 my first baby, Kathy, was five months old, and I hadn’t had a paying job since she was born. And our family needed me to have one. After a job interview at the South Bend library, one of the branch managers, Carol, smiled and said as I was leaving, “We’ll be seeing you again!” But weeks passed with no word from her or anyone else.

One day, I started up the outside stairs to our apartment, anxiously scanning envelopes from my mailbox. There was a pink notice from the electric company—a warning to pay our bill or the electricity would be cut off. Panic!

As I opened our door, I began to pray, picturing myself holding on to the robe of Christ. My heart cried out, “God, you promised me this library job.” While I was praying, the phone rang. It was Carol, the library branch manager, telling me that my first day of work would be August 25th!

That call came in at the time I was desperately praying so that I would know that God is real and that He listens to my prayers.

Carol was my supervisor for ten of my years at the library. I had much joy doing story times, puppet shows, and leading a “Ghost Story Writing Contest” for 3rd-8th graders. She and my other librarian friends encouraged me as I worked on writing the first drafts of my young adult novel, Mandy’s Song

In 2000 I changed careers and became a preschool teacher, but could not quite let go of the library. I still substitute for them on evenings, weekends, and summers. I have worked for the library now for 43 years. When God finds a job for us, it’s hard for us to leave it!

When you find yourself facing moments of fear or grief, pray to God and He will listen to you, too.


Mary Ann Steinke-Moore knew she wanted to be a writer from 4th grade on. She worked as a children’s librarian, leading story times and directing an annual writing contest for 3rd – 8th graders many years. Now she teaches preschool and works at writing and revising novels, while being a wife, mom, grandma—and pet mom to a dog, two cats and two guinea pigs.

Mandy’s Song is available through Mary Ann Steinke-Moore’s Website:  maryannsteinke-moore.com and from Amazon.

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  1. Michael Avery

    Very inspirational, Mary Ann. Thank you.

  2. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Mary Ann, for your beautiful story about God’s love in your life. You are right. Ask, and we shall receive.

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