God’s Gifts Come Through All of Life

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Bill Higgins

The life force from God is all around us. It surrounds us in every moment and every place. We miss some of them. But from some of these gifts we gain small nudges to go left or right or do this or that. Others will be full of wonder, a treasure trove of consciousness expansion.

The following two stories highlight a few gifts I have received. Their central lesson for me is that God’s love comes from all of life, that we are connected, Soul to Soul, and that we share a relationship with Divine Spirit in many ways.


Frank is a stinkbug that has lived with us for many years. Frank has had many incarnations. In good weather, we provide transport to the outside world when the local stinkbugs venture into the house. But as freezing temperatures arrive, we allow Frank to live inside with the understanding that he is the only stinkbug in the house. After a good, long stinkbug life (a few weeks or so), Frank translates (dies) and the new incarnation of Frank arrives. 

I have an affinity for Frank. I talk to him, and he usually seems attentive. One evening, while reading in the living room, Frank buzzed over to the lamp I was sitting by, crawled over to the edge—as close as he could get to me—and just stared at me. In that moment, we were connected, Soul to Soul. I felt Divine Spirit issue from Frank. We recognized each other as Spiritual beings. With this connection, I realized that Frank was also on his journey home to God. He was naturally doing what was needed to gain spiritual experience.

God will use whatever It can to give us spiritual experience. Often, the things we are most interested in will provide a wealth of experience. Making friends with Frank is one example of this.


I enjoy being in the woods, and I have many spiritual friends that I visit each time I go. Often, I meet with the fungus among us. Mushrooms are all around us. Each has its own life experience.  

The largest mushroom on record is between 2,000 and 8,500 years old and covers four square miles. Mushrooms live mostly underground. Those you see on the surface are the fruit of its labor, like an apple from a tree. They flow deeply with Spirit and will communicate with us if we are present in the moment. 

I have found them elusive in their physical presence but amazingly vibrant and strong with this flow of Spirit. If I am in the moment, I often will just know there are mushrooms about. They tickle my awareness; they call out to me; they even tell me where I can harvest to eat. 

 This photo is of Marasmus, a beautiful mushroom that is often only the size of a pin head. They are easy to miss if you are wrapped in your own thoughts. The wilds are where I often practice living in the moment, experiencing the flow of Divine Spirit in all things. 

On occasion, the Marasmus will call out. I look about and see them, then I recognize that there are thousands all around me. Easily missed and subtle in their song, we often share a few moments of spiritual connection. You can feel the presence of Spirit flowing from them if you surrender to the call of Soul.

These blessings are one of the many ways we can become more fully connected to God’s love, which can come in the smallest of packages. We just have to listen and open our hearts to see the many blessings surrounding us.

Bill Higgins is a retired Operations Manager with 40 years of experience in managing manufacturing and assembly operations and has a Master’s degree in Management and Organizational Behavior. He has also been involved in various service organizations and Boards in non-profit, for profit, and governmental organizations.

Bill has been a member of the clergy in Eckankar, The Path of Spiritual Freedom, for many years. Bill retired in 2021 and spends as much time as possible wandering the wild areas and connecting with that Spiritual essence that runs through all life. His current passions are trail running, yoga, and, as you have read, mushroom foraging. Bill is currently President of a non-profit organization that provides support for a state park and wildlife area.

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God’s Love Comes in Small Packages


An Act of Kindness and the Love of HU


  1. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Bill, for sharing your wonderful story. By welcoming Frank into your home, it speaks volumes about your heart. I can imagine that Frank was gazing at you with stars in his eyes. Regarding your story about the mushrooms, you inspire me to pay more attention to details and to be fully in the present moment. Thank you for a great reminder. I will practice this, and perhaps one day I will be able to hear some mushrooms calling my name when I walk in the woods.

    • Bill Higgins

      Thank you for your kind words and wonderful insights.

  2. Michael Avery

    Thank you, Bill. I’ll never look at mushrooms the same way! We have our own version of Frank here, but we’ve had other “unwanted guests” that we have treated less humanely. Sharing your relationship with the stink bug has helped Pichaya and me shift our viewpoint. Unwanted guests have become our friends and fellow Souls on this journey we are all on.

    • Bill Higgins

      Thank you for the opportunity to post, I look forward to the opportunity in the future.


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