God’s Love Comes in Small Packages

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Guest Post by Linda Higgins

“No matter what you do in life, if you can just love what you’re doing
and see the gift of God in little things, you’ll be happy.”
   —Harold Klemp, What is Spiritual Freedom?

I am learning in this precious lifetime that every little mundane experience we have is really a profound moment in eternity that lights up with God’s Love for us when we allow ourselves to see with the eyes of Soul. We need to have a childlike curiosity and pay attention to all the little details in each moment, because things are not always as they appear to be when we first notice them. 

I will share with you a few moments in my life when God’s love came to me in the form of small, golden, heart shaped “packages” to discover and unwrap so that the Light and Sound could fill my world at a greater level. Sometimes my Inner Teacher had to give me a strong nudge to be alert. 

Each time I paid attention, my heart felt this Love come to me in that moment, and it was flooded with a gentle joy and feeling of bliss that almost took my breath away. I try not to take anything for granted now just because I am busy and distracted or it seems not worthy of my attention.    

Little White Spider

I am a gardener. I love being outside and am very connected with all living things, plants, trees and animals, for they are Soul too, just like we humans are Soul. They are having their physical experiences in this earth world just like we are. These experiences are necessary for all Souls to learn how to give and receive God’s Love.  

I have been planting and tending gardens since I was a child, and continually felt that growing flowers and food plants was “in my blood”. I always had a very strong love and desire to work with the soil, plant the seeds and tend the garden so that I could see the magic happen when the flowers began to grow and bloom.  

I love to paint my yard each summer with the vibrant colors of beautiful flowers. I originally would plant the flowers and other plants just to beautify my yard and to satisfy my artistic creativity, which made me happy as I experimented with many color combinations in different parts of the gardens. 

A major consciousness change in me emerged around twenty years ago when I realized that it is my destiny in this lifetime to serve Divine Spirit and all of Life by sharing God’s unconditional love, rather than just serving myself. 

When I began planting the gardens with the intent of giving love and joy with the beautiful brightly colored flowers as a gift to the neighborhood, it allowed me to be a channel to share God’s Love with everyone passing by my yard. This was so easy to do, and I still wonder why I didn’t think to do this in my earlier years!

My neighbors and their dogs love walking past my gardens and they tell me it is the best part of their walk when they can see the beauty of the happy flowers in my yard. I think they also can feel the elevated vibrations of God’s Love that come through the flowers and plants. This Love is here all the time because we always walk on Holy Ground, but most people never notice it.  

When I noticed the little white speck on this flower in the photo, I was suddenly filled with joy as if a bright sparkly light was turned on inside me, for that little speck was a tiny white spider sitting on the flower, possibly drinking from the raindrop. I almost missed seeing it because I wasn’t paying attention to the small details of the flower. But I had an inner nudge to look at it more closely. 

The spider was so cute! I saw this little one as Soul and told it how beautiful it was and I thanked it for coming into my world. Love and gratitude opened my heart and I knew this was a sacred and holy moment that opened up for me when I was speaking to the spider.  (I also talk and sing to the flowers and trees and critters when I’m in the garden because they are Soul too and need love!) I find that when I give them my loving attention through my opened heart, they thrive and return that love to me and my neighbors by blooming their little hearts out. Life is so good! 

Holy Chickens

Here is Gilda, my 12-year-old granddaughter with one of her chickens. There are 3 chickens who live in a small chicken coop in the shed and they get to run around outside for short periods of time. Gilda takes care of the chickens. She feeds and waters them and gives them her love and attention. She also collects the eggs each day.

I came to visit her on a beautiful warm sunny day. We went for a short walk down the road to see the swans in the neighbor’s pond.  

When we returned, Gilda let the chickens out of the coop so they could get some exercise.  The chicken coop was way overdue for a cleaning and she didn’t really want to do it, so I told her I would help her. There I was, on this perfect day, shoveling pungent, smelly chicken poop off the floor of the coop until it was clean. Gilda spread new straw litter down on the floor and replaced the food and water containers. 

While doing this rather unpleasant job, I suddenly realized what a wonderful blessing it was that I could be sharing a golden moment of pure love and contentment with my sweet granddaughter, just by shoveling that noxious poo and listening to her tell me about how her day was going.  

She needed to vent a bit and hang out with Grandma! And I felt needed and loved and full of joy.

Then Gilda picked up the red chicken and handed it to me so I could hold it. It was squirming at first but settled down as I started to pet it and tell it how pretty it was.

The chicken had silky soft feathers and enjoyed having her head stroked.  In that moment, I saw this little bird as a beautiful Soul in a chicken body, going through another lifetime on Its path back home to God.  

And the chicken was happy for the attention we gave to her.  What amazed me was how fast my whole world instantly transformed into a Holy Moment in eternity when I surrendered to God’s Love and completed an unpleasant task while looking at it from Soul’s higher viewpoint. We truly are the creators of our world and what we create depends upon our attitude, where we place our attention and also whether our heart is open to this Love from Divine Spirit or closed.

“I Need A Hug!”

I have one more little “package” of God’s Love to share. One morning, I went to the local indoor swimming pool to swim laps. I parked my car in the parking lot and got out to walk toward the building. I saw a woman walking out of the building and she was heading straight towards me. She is a swimming friend with whom I have had spiritual conversations. I had not seen her for a few months. She was moving fast toward me and grinning, almost like I was a magnet, pulling her in. She didn’t even say hi, she just threw her arms around me and gave me a big, long hug. Then she said, “I really need this hug today to feel better!”

 I told her I was glad to oblige and hoped that it helped. She smiled at me and said, “You have no idea how great this is!” At that point, my heart was pierced with an effervescent tingly feeling, which was a gift wave of God’s sweet Love enveloping me as I realized that Divine Spirit had arranged this meeting down to the perfect split-second timing so the hug could happen! 

 I spent the rest of that day in awe and gratitude, thinking about how great it felt to be a vehicle for God’s Love when and where it was needed and how this Love just flowed through me without me consciously trying to do anything.  Sometimes we find ourselves in the right place at the right time without even trying.  

One more thing, did you notice that the word “hug” has the word HU built right into it? HU is an ancient name for God and also a love song that we sing to connect our hearts with this Divine Love. I really love how Divine Spirit hugs all of us in our lives! 

Linda Higgins is happily retired after working for 21 years as a customer service specialist for an online retailer. She is a long-time member of the Eckankar (the Path of Spiritual Freedom) clergy. She loves sharing the HU (an ancient name for God and a love song to God) with people and telling them how they can experience God’s Love and Spiritual Freedom for themselves in this lifetime.

Linda’s favorite volunteer job is at the local Humane Society where she serves as a cat cuddler/cat socializer. It is a wonderful privilege for her to have fun playing with the cats and giving them love and comfort.

Linda is married to Bill and is a mother, grandmother and servant to the 3 formerly rescued shelter cats, Kona, Loki and Bean, who run the household. She loves to stay fit by swimming every day and finds being in the water very healing. She also enjoys kayaking, biking, hiking and cross-country skiing on the beautiful trails in the nearby state parks, and sometimes will bring one or both of her granddaughters along for fun.

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Synchronicities Confirm Our Inner Guidance


God’s Gifts Come Through All of Life


  1. Michael Avery

    Your love shines through, Linda. I love the picture of Gilda holding her chicken. I remember throwing my arms around my pet goat, Dumbo, when I was about her age.

    And, your story fits perfectly with our blog theme, “It’s all about love on the journey of Soul.” Hugs are definitely a part of that!

    • Linda Higgins

      Thank you, Mike! It’s all about learning to give and receive God’s Love in our lives, Always and forever! I am amazed at how this Sweet Love comes to us in the form of the Light and Sound and weaves Its Golden Tapestry with the sacred threads of Divinity into our Hearts. These gifts of love (or Miracles as I call them) appear to us at the exact moment we need them to learn our next spiritual lessons.

      Thank you for sharing your childhood experience with your pet goat, Dumbo! I have always loved goats, even though I grew up in town and couldn’t have one! But I did have a parakeet and a kitty cat, so it was all good. It is so important for children to grow up having an animal friend or friends that they can love! 😻

  2. Carol kaminski

    I really enjoyed the stories as it truly is the little things in life that bring HUge joy if we only can see it that way !!
    I once had visited a friend who had chickens and she complained that her chickens were not giving her eggs as they should and that they seemed really miserable also ..
    I asked her if she would mind if I saw the chickens in the coop and taught them a little song that I felt could change things ..
    She thought it was crazy of me but she was so desperate she agreed and hoped anything would help . So off to the coop I went and started to sing HU
    I kept singing HUuuuuuuu
    Before u knew it the chickens all gathered around me in a circle and to our surprise these chickens actually started to sing the Huuuuuu ..!!
    It truly was both fun and such an incredible experience that left me with great joy forever to remember and share with others ….


    • Linda Higgins

      Thank you, Sammie, for your kind words. It was a real joy for me to be able to share my stories with everyone here on this blog! 🥰😸💛🩵💛💫

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  5. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Linda, for your beautiful story of Divine Love. You inspire me to see things through the eyes of love. You have the awareness to recognize Inner Guidance and wonderful blessings in your world.

    All life around you is uplifted by your presence. Gilda is blessed to have a sweet grandma like you. You are a magnet of love. Indeed.

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