Horses Love HU

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Robin Adams McBride

Trail Ride

On my birthday weekend in September 2001, I received an unexpected gift. A woman friend and I decided a road trip was just the answer to a difficult year. Our first stop was a small motel near Gooseberry Falls, some forty miles north of Duluth, where we spent a restful night. The next day we left early, planning to stop and explore the falls before continuing north to Grand Marais, our destination. Plans changed, however.

We decided to stop at the Lutsen Mountain ski area which offered a tram ride to the top of the mountain. When Karen saw the tram, she got a horrified look on her face. “I can’t possibly get on that thing!” she exclaimed. She was terrified of heights. I tried talking her into facing her fear, but no dice. She just wasn’t going to do it. Then I noticed a sign for trail rides. She relaxed into her usual cheerful self with a big relieved grin. “Yes, let’s do that!”

We paid our admission, entered the corral, and were each assigned to a horse. As is usually the case with recreational trail rides, the horses all looked pretty old and used up. Nevertheless, this was heaven to the little girl inside me who still remembers the horse she had when she was ten. Once everyone was settled in the saddle, we took off on a one-hour, very pleasant autumn trail ride through the birch woods.

Connecting with Divine Love

Back at the corral, we were told to dismount and stand by our horse until a trail hand came to take it away. As I stood next to my horse, I began to sing HU, an ancient mantra that opens our hearts and connects us with Divine Love. 

I gazed around at the lovely woods whose leaves were just beginning to turn color. Suddenly I felt a nudge on my left shoulder and turned my head to find my horse resting his chin there. I reached up and stroked his velvet muzzle while continuing to sing HU softly. 

A moment later, I felt a weight on my right side and turned a bit to see what had caused it. The next horse over, responding to my HU song, was leaning against me, placing her muzzle on my right shoulder! 

I stood very still, singing my love song to God and soaking in the love of these two beautiful creatures whose eyes had been transformed from tired and disinterested to glowing with love. That morning was a blessed reminder that animals are Soul and that God expresses Its love to us in myriad ways.

Robin Adams McBride lives on the Oregon Coast with her husband, Ray. She is enjoying her retirement from thirty years of graphic design, typesetting, designing and editing books for self-publishing authors, and web design. These days she loves walks in the coastal forests with Ray, cooking, spending time with friends, and reading.

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  1. Michael Avery

    What a sweet, heart-opening experience for you. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Robin, for your beautiful story of Divine love. It’s very fascinating to learn how those horses respond to the song of HU. We completely agree with you that animals are Souls, and God loves us all.

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