How Divine Intervention Saved My Life

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Pichaya Avery

“Don’t go to work today,” my Inner Teacher whispered in his gentle voice one morning during contemplation as I sang my love song to God—HU. The date was June 14th, 1995. It could have been my last day on earth if not for divine intervention.

I was working at Bangkok Bank at the time—the head office—located in the heart of Bangkok where heavy traffic filled the streets throughout the day, especially during rush hour. If I traveled by bus, I would have been packed like sardines in a tiny can, and it would have taken up to two hours to arrive at work. 

The fastest way to commute was by ferry boat, followed by a short ride on a motorcycle taxi. In order to avoid the crowd of a hundred other commuters, it was necessary to be at the Pier each morning by 7:30 a.m.

As I stepped through the door on the morning of the 14th, my Inner Teacher cautioned, Do not go to work today.

The unusual message didn’t make any sense. There was a huge pile of paper work on my desk at the bank that required my attention. It was vitally important to contact several VIP customers from overseas and successfully complete my tasks on that day.

My supervisor wouldn’t be happy if I called in sick again, which I had done quite often in the past couple of months. I needed to go to work. Therefore, I ignored the inner voice and continued walking in the direction of the pier.

The voice spoke to me again while I was strolling down a narrow street. This time, it was very loud and clear: Do not go to work!”

Suddenly, I began to feel a strange sensation in my stomach—as if I was being stabbed by a sharp knife—to the point where I collapsed on the ground. This excruciating pain lasted for several minutes.

When I stood up, it felt as if someone or something turned my body around and gently pushed me back in the direction of my apartment. Then, I remembered a similar warning when I had heard a voice telling me to refrain from a particular course of action. Following the instructions had kept me from unnecessary harm.

Once home, my neighbor told me about the tragic news he had heard on the radio a few minutes earlier. A ferry had crashed into the dilapidated old pier, resulting in at least twenty deaths and over thirty injuries. 

This event—“Ferry Hits Pier in Bangkok, 21 Dead”—occurred at the exact time and place where I would have been waiting for a ferry. Had Spirit not intervened, I could have been injured or even killed. This experience taught me the reality of divine intervention, the value of singing HU, and why it is essential to follow my inner guidance even when it sounds illogical to do so.

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A Message from a Monk


Listening to Our Inner Guidance


  1. Pip

    This was so lovely to have this video following the passage by Pichaya. My heart feels open and ready for this day. Thank you.

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