Guest Post by Karl LaRowe
Where Angels Gather
Angels really do exist. They are amongst us in our everyday lives. They appear as ordinary people except for the pools of love and kindness that swirl in their eyes when you allow yourself to meet their gaze with an open heart. Most of the time, meeting an angel is a rare and wonderful experience in our world today. This was not the case however during our last trip to Birch Bay over the Christmas holidays. We met angels everywhere.
Birch Bay is a unique and wondrous place nestled on the northwest corner of Washington State, a mere stone’s throw from Canada. Its open, green, luscious landscape is cradled between Semiahmoo Bay and Lummi Bay. The quiet waters that lap against the shoreline make it a perfect place for reflection and renewal. It also seems to draw angels who flock there, bringing their light and lightness to those they may meet.
Meeting an Angel
Meeting an angel is a sublime experience of grace and wonder. On the outside, angels appear to be like everyone else. They come in many sizes, ages, colors, and dress. Many that we met were walking their dog and in the company of another. While there was nothing outwardly special about them, angels seemed to have a lightness and gracefulness in their walk. They seemed to defy gravity. It was as if they were gliding over the earth rather than walking on it.

Meeting an angel is also a subtle experience that requires an openness of heart and mind. It requires that we are quiet enough within ourselves to notice the gentle radiance that is flowing and sometimes glowing from their eyes and face. Often you can sense it just as you are approaching them; a sensation of warmth begins in your heart as you feel drawn to look up into their eyes.
The Angel’s Gaze
The angel’s gaze is a meeting of souls. It is clear and penetrating. It is a recognition and acknowledgment of the true self you actually are. There is an open, naked honesty when you allow yourself to meet the gaze of an angel that can leave you feeling exposed. There is no pretense, just presence; no judgment, just acceptance; no shadow, only light.
When you can allow yourself to experience the full gaze of an angel, your soul is affirmed. You are reminded that you too are a being of light and love. The small spark of divine recognition is fed, and even if it is for just a moment, you acknowledge your own angelic nature.
Karl and Lean LaRowe

Karl LaRowe received his Master Degree in clinical social work from the University of Chicago and is licensed as a mental health therapist. He has worked in the mental health field as a crisis intervention and outpatient therapist, mental health investigator and examiner, program manager and clinical director. Since 1997 he has had the privilege of providing over 1000 workshops, webinars and consultations to more than 50,000 participants across the United States, the Middle East, and S.E. Asia on how to transform stress and burnout into vitality and positive energy. He has published two books and several eBooks on the subject.
Karl is happily (semi) retired with the love of his life of 34 years and is focusing on his spiritual growth. His website is
Michael Avery
And it sounds like you’re married to one of those angels! I am also.
Karl LaRowe
Hi Michael, yes, it’s true I am. The most precious gift of my life.
Catherine Ganci
Thank you for this uplifting story Karl ! It reminded me of a group I love, Bliss & this song called A Hundred Thousand Angels.
Karl LaRowe
What a beautiful, haunting, magical melody! Thank you for sharing!
Gloria Lionz
Great revelations await when we find ourselves in the presence of another who LOVES ‘JUST BECAUSE’ – Yes, there are ANGELS & by their ways of being; they help us open our perceptions ever-so-poignantly.
Thank you for so eloquently sharing one of many (I’m sure) such experiences. When we meet someone who effortlessly brings us into their circle of warmth, we discover ALL Souls are designed to discover and eventually ‘reside’ in such sacred places.
I felt them when you told me about your experience and again, as I read it.
Karl LaRowe
It’s the same experience as when I am around you Gloria. You are an Angel.