Inspirational Art by Claude Gruffy

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Claude Gruffy

This post will be art only. Please see “Artistic Awakening” for a brief history of my artistic journey and how revelations about a past life during the renaissance period influenced my current one. Claude

New Destination

Supreme Truth


Inner Voice


Marvelous World




Self Surrender


Towards Distant Futures

Claude Gruffy is an artist, author, scenic painter, and lecturer. He has illustrated several books for various authors, and his oil and digital works have been sold in Canada, the United States, Europe, Africa, and other parts of the world. He has also been a guest on many television and radio programs. Claude has been practicing meditation for over thirty-five years, and has acquired extensive experience in the art of creative visualization.

Several galleries of spiritual artwork can be found on Claude’s website.

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Artistic Awakening


The Healing Sound of Music: Sammie’s Song


  1. Catherine Ganci

    Thank you Claude for sharing your story & some of your deeply inspirational creative visions. Your art brings to life a higher awareness of seeing, being & knowing. Such a beautiful journey for us all !

  2. Pichaya Avery

    Thank you, Claude, for sharing your beautiful art with us here. Our readers around the world feel uplifted and inspired by your magnificent artwork. Thank you so much for sharing your love of creative imagination. You inspire me to begin to dream again, and soon I will pick up a crayon and draw. (smile)

  3. Michael Avery

    It’s difficult to choose a favorite, Claude. Thank you for your gifts to the world!

  4. Anna

    These are beautiful!

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