Guest Post by Nettie Clarke
Many years ago, a friend asked me if I would like to go with her to meet two little dogs that needed a home. She had originally sold them to a woman who moved and had left them with her brother who had no time for them. When I entered the home where they were staying, the entire living room was filled with a brilliant blue light. I recognized the Light as the presence of my spiritual teacher. As soon as I recognized the sign, the blue light disappeared.
I saw their bowl as soon as I entered the kitchen. It had one huge chunk of dried dog food in it, too large for their little mouths. They were both very thin. I had been having some misgivings about my ability to care for them financially and wondered if I should take them on. But when I saw the state they were in, l knew I had to take them home.
Strangely, in the days leading up to this meeting, I had accidentally brought home dog food for my kitties. The blue light was the second sign that perhaps I should welcome these two little toy poodle-chihuahua mix doggies into my home and into my heart.
I took them home and became attached very quickly. They appreciated all the good food and attention they had missed in the first two years of their short lives. I named them Cissi and Mandi Moo.

When Cissi was almost seventeen, she began falling over. This lasted for several months until one day I could see that she was not going to last much longer. I took her to the vet, and he agreed it was time to put her down. It was a gut-wrenching decision as I had loved her as dearly as if she were my child. She had filled my heart and my life with love and joy for many years.
I stayed in the room as the vet administered the poison into her veins. I kissed her sweet head and cried my heart out as I said goodbye to her. Three months later, I was still missing her and crying myself to sleep at times. I just couldn’t seem to get past the grief of losing her.
Then, one night I had a dream. I was watching Cissi trotting down the dusty road of life, all by herself. As I was waking up, I heard the voice of my Inner Teacher say, “She is going to be a porpoise. You need to let her go so she can get on with her spiritual journey.”
Because of this dream and the communication from my teacher, I was able to let go of my grief. I could remember the joy and love as I thought of her sweet, funny ways instead of the pain of losing her. I feel very grateful for the Inner Teacher’s love and guidance in my life, as it gives me a way to see life from a higher viewpoint, live more fully in the moment, and let go when the time is right.
Nettie Clarke grew up in British Columbia, Canada. She left home at the tender age of 17 and moved to Seattle, Washington, to go to beauty school. Her life has since been very colorful and marked with a lot of change. Throughout all of the highs and lows of her life, she has been very focused on her spiritual journey, trying to understand the meaning and purpose of life. She has learned through the Eckankar teachings how to recognize God’s love in the seemingly unimportant events of everyday life, and has written a number of books sharing these insights with the hopes others will be inspired to do the same. Nettie’s publications are available for purchase through Amazon’s online marketplace here.
She recently moved to the Portland, Oregon, area and is enjoying the beautiful Northwest scenery, spending time with her three parakeets, a cockatiel, and rescue Pug dog, Issy. She continues to enjoy looking for Divine Love at work in her life every day, and capturing these moments in words.
Sharon Sheppard
Hi Nettie. I love this story and how the guidance of the blue star let you know it was a go. So much love you all experienced. Thanks for sharing.
Lovely Nettie the life and love you gave to Cissi! A grateful soul to have loved and been loved by you!
Michael Avery
So very uplifting, Nettie. We’ve all had to let go of pets (and people) we’ve loved. The blue light was a wonderful confirmation for you when you found Cissi and a huge help when it came time to let go!