Guest Post by Jim Jackson
In the summer of 2023, I had a memorable experience that was both frightening and uplifting. This took place a few days after my positive Covid test in the Marquis Newberg Rehab facility where I was undergoing treatment for my knee.
One afternoon, I fell asleep on my bed. This was nothing unusual, but when the CNA woke me up, I glanced up at the clock on the wall in front of me. It read nine o’clock. I could see my meal on the tray beside my bed, but I didn’t feel hungry. I asked the CNA why they didn’t wake me up at my usual breakfast time—7:30 a.m.
She told me it was not 9:00 a.m., but 9:00 p.m., and they had been holding my dinner since five o’clock. How strange.
A little later, I felt like I had drifted off to sleep again, but found myself in a very different state of consciousness. It seemed like I was trapped in a cube-shaped room. The four walls appeared to be made of glass. The floor was a green tint, slightly darker than the walls. Through the tinted ceiling shone a dull-yellow light.
After a few minutes of orienting myself, I walked over to one glass wall and ever so gently touched it with my hand—CRASH!
Suddenly, all four walls shattered and fell to the floor. It occurred to me that, now, I might be free to leave. But to where?
As I was standing in the spot where the wall had been, I looked over the edge and stared down into a pitch-black abyss. I quickly jumped back. I certainly didn’t want to fall into what could be a bottomless pit.
Above me, beyond where the ceiling had been, I could see a super-brilliant white light. I didn’t know why, but I immediately desired with all my being to somehow climb up to that glorious light.
But as soon as I moved my arms and legs in that direction, I felt myself being pulled back—then “plop.” I knew that I, as Soul, had reentered my physical body.
My eyes wouldn’t open, but it felt like loving Souls were surrounding me, trying to bring me back to physical life. They were begging me with loving, compassionate, soft voices, “Come back, Jim. Stay here.”
Suddenly, an extremely loud male voice shouted, “Get the damn oxygen on him now, quick!” He yelled it again and then added, “Get the condenser in here!”

As I adjusted to being in my body again, I became more aware of the many Souls huddled over and around me, calling me back, all with loving, caring faces.
Soon, I could feel my body as all the aches and pains came back with a jolt. My body definitely wanted to die.
I, as Soul, was not afraid at all to “pass on,” but then I heard an extremely soothing voice say, “It’s not quite your time. You have something important still unfinished.”
Two things happened in the days that followed. First of all, I realized that I’d had a near-death experience and was sent back to complete a specific spiritual venture. Second, I was given a confirmation through an audible form of Waking Dream message called the “Golden-tongued Wisdom.” It related to my current situation.
I happened to see a TV clip where one of my favorite entertainers, John Denver, was being interviewed about his life. He was telling the person interviewing him, “It’s been a good life, but it sure is great to get to hang around a little longer.”
Well, John, I’m inclined to agree!
Jim Jackson enjoys reading, writing, and sharing his experiences with those in his community and friends. He spent five months in the Newberg Rehab Center following surgery on his right patella (knee cap). Jim is happy to be home and is catching up with old friends.
Please note: Images on this site are for illustration purposes only unless otherwise indicated. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Catherine Ganci
Hi Jim, so good to hear from you ! Your story shows me just how ordinary our comings & goings are, life to death, to life again, even if it’s far from earth. How easily you slipped away in your true form as Soul but then to return for “unfinished” concerns. This highlights the great order to Life & all its infinite sides. Such a blessing ! You have more to experience, more to discover about love & being loved. Welcome back Jim !
Wow, what a powerful experience, Jim! We want you around longer as well, thank you for all you do and are!
Hi Jim,
Love your writing. What an experience! It is clear that you still have more love to offer. Sending a smile your way.
Melinda Robles
We miss you so much Jim!