The Way of the Wanderer

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Paul Hillman

My mission:

“You must assist people using what they understand. Simple ideas for simple minds. Young things for young people, something fun, imaginative, maybe even a little silly. More complex ideas for highly intelligent people. Realistic things for people who are struggling.

“What you say must appeal to what they want or need at that exact moment. It has to offer them a solution to the problem they are experiencing. Then, people will respond and grow into a healthier, more spiritual life.”

“But how will I know what to say, Master?” I asked.

The Buzzing of the Bees

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

There are moments in life when you act on what you know and don’t think about it. That sense of knowingness trumps feeling and thinking even though it may not seem too logical at the time or make sense to anyone else. This kind of knowingness is often a reflection of your core values, who you are, and what you truly believe. Even though I was only four years old, the profound memory of a magical moment still resonates strongly with me.

Can Inner Guidance Come Through Dreams?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Linda Wilken

Dreams. Some people contend that these are what life is made of. But there are some who say that dreams are simply the effects of a bit of indigestion, or situations from earlier in the day being worked out. Others say that we’re actually living in the dreamworld and that there is a reality beyond us greater than we know. yet others say that dreams are a bridge linking different realities.

3-Point Men

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Paul Baker

On the basketball court a line is drawn so that when a player shoots from behind that line 3 points are registered. In the mornings here in ZhongHo, Taiwan, I shoot at the basket with 3-pt. men.

On the opposite end of the court are women shooting baskets. They also dance to music while they shoot. 

A Most Wonderful and Mysterious Gift

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Guest Post by Jim Jackson

In late April of 2023, I received a phone call from Marlo Rees, the wife of one of my very best friends and decade-long senior doubles tennis partner. They had sold their home in Portland and moved to Santa Barbara in mid-2021. Frank Rees had suddenly passed on shortly thereafter.

Marlo told me she had been able to have contact with Frank since his transition, and was sure I would want to know. She also called to thank me for the “wonderful gift.” I had no idea what she was talking about, so I listened on.

A Return to Joy: How Sawyer Brown Helped Heal My Heart

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Michael Avery

Before Sawyer Brown became famous, the band always stopped at the Douglas County Fair near my hometown on their whirlwind tour throughout Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. When I left the fair each year after hearing them play until well after midnight, one song always stayed with me—“The Walk.” Little did I know that, many years later, the song would facilitate a healing with my father. 

“The Drop”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Guest Post by Riley Carson

Rumi was a renowned Sufi scholar, mystic, and poet (1207-1273) . His writings weave a mystic’s viewpoint with scenes from daily life into thought-provoking (sometimes thought stopping) ways. My poem was inspired by the following passage by Rumi, which captures a mind-bending viewpoint, and in a way that relates to some of my own mystical adventures. Rumi wrote: “You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the ocean in a drop!” 

When Traveling Overseas, Expect the Unexpected

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Guest Post by Al Coffman

I was about to embark on a camping tour of Spain and France with my friend Jennifer. Her core mission was to seek out wilderness areas in Spain, and she asked if I’d like to join her. We decided to travel together for a good part of October. My only hesitation was an injury to my second toe which had been slow to heal. I swapped out my hiking boots for socks and Teva sandals (product placement); this allowed me to lift my sore toe and walk without pain. I moved like a turtle, but a happy turtle.  

The Journey Back to Loving Ourselves

Reading Time: 4 minutes

By Michael Avery

When we glance back over our shoulder at the myriad events in our lives, some stand out for their solitary strangeness, others for their magic and mystery. They tug at our coattails, begging us to take another look with older, yet more discerning eyes. 

I’d been reflecting on a conversation from several years before regarding a dog and his unusual friend, when I suddenly realized it held a valuable lesson about self-love. 

Choosing How and Where to Place Your Attention

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Guest Post by Dennis Ernst

I started up an unnamed trail in southern Arizona one cool breezy morning. Recent rain had softened the earth in the foothills of the remote San Rita Mountains and left low hanging clouds spread across the sky. Further up in the mountains, I could see snow in the higher elevations, shrouded with dark clouds. Beyond that was my destination, Mt. Wrightson.

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