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The Other Half of the Rainbow

Reading Time: 2 minutes By Michael Avery One of the many things I experienced while living in Hawaii when I was in my late twenties happened on the Island of Kauai. I saw the most beautiful rainbow I had ever seen. Rather than eliciting a feeling of joy, I felt an indescribable longing stir deep within my heart. I […]

“Just Be Love”

Reading Time: < 1 minute By Michael Avery Jim Davis and I go back as far as the fifth grade. The tapestries of our lives express similar patterns since we share many of the same colorful threads. In high school, we played basketball together. Jim was a 6’4″ center who was an accomplished rebounder. Over the years, Jim and I […]

Embracing the Wind: Messages from Memories

Reading Time: 5 minutes By Michael Avery When memories of water skiing come to mind, they generally evoke feelings of fun, freedom, and ninety degree days, but not always. My fondest boating memories are from the time Eldon, a friend from the plywood mill where I worked, taught me how to slalom ski. I learned a lot about water […]

“Spiritual Adventures at the Seat of Power”

Reading Time: 7 minutes By Michael Avery “If you tell a rose that it is a rose, then it will always be a rose. If you ask a rose what it is, you might be surprised to find that it is an entire universe.” —Gary Reynolds(quoting “the Caretaker” in Spiritual Adventures at the seat of Power) Originally, I planned to call […]

An Act of Kindness and the Love of HU

Reading Time: 3 minutes By Michael Avery, as told by Sharon Sheppard Sharon Sheppard’s husband, Pat, takes their Siberian Husky for walks every morning and late afternoon either to a wooded area or along the rolling sand dunes and sparsely populated beaches near their home on the Oregon coast. Pat enjoys contemplating and singing HU, an ancient love song […]

Synchronicities Confirm Our Inner Guidance

Reading Time: 2 minutes By Michael Avery Synchronicity is where multiple, separate events share a common theme. When we become aware of synchronous events and find their connection, we often discover important confirmations about current issues in our lives. Recently, I was shown through a series of synchronous events that intermittent fasting would be helpful in healing my digestion. 

“Waking Dreams at a Glance”

Reading Time: 4 minutes By Michael Avery Being somewhat of an antique car fan, I enjoy pointing out vintage cars to anyone who will listen whenever I see one. ’66 Mustangs and green ’68 Dodge Chargers like the ones I once owned are my favorites. When I realized that I could use “seeing a particular car” as a means […]

A Circle of Friends

Reading Time: 3 minutes By Michael Avery My wife, Pichaya, and I have learned that Divine Spirit, Spirit, God, or “the Universe,” call IT what you will, won’t interfere in our lives unless we ask. When faced with an important decision or a personal crisis, we can ask for guidance through dreams, contemplations, visions, or waking dreams. Most people, however, […]

A Return to Joy: How Sawyer Brown Helped Heal My Heart

Reading Time: 3 minutes By Michael Avery Before Sawyer Brown became famous, the band always stopped at the Douglas County Fair near my hometown on their whirlwind tour throughout Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. When I left the fair each year after hearing them play until well after midnight, one song always stayed with me—“The Walk.” Little did I […]

The Journey Back to Loving Ourselves

Reading Time: 4 minutes By Michael Avery When we glance back over our shoulder at the myriad events in our lives, some stand out for their solitary strangeness, others for their magic and mystery. They tug at our coattails, begging us to take another look with older, yet more discerning eyes.  I’d been reflecting on a conversation from several […]

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